chapter four

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He woke up to his phone ringing. Not looking at who was calling, he answered.


"Hello Mr Williams, this is John, reporter for the TMZ..."

He didn't get to finish the sentence as Eric hang up on him.

Any given day, he would have jumped at the chance to be in a magazine like that, but not today.

He did not feel like putting up a facade for millions of people.

He sat and checked the time on his phone. It was ten am. He had only been asleel for two hours, one more hour than the previous night.

He looked at the picture he was holding one last time , put it back and straightened the bed.

He loved the way this room was so full of life.

The walls were painted sky blue. Posters of cartoons that Philip loved adorned the walls.

Right above his bed was a picture of his favourite author, David Walliams, and it was signed. He had all his books which were also signed.

Taking one last look at the room, he got out and headed to his own room.

His house was really big. Six bedrooms, a gym, cinema, swimming pool, dining area , sitting room , game room, a lounge and a home office. It also had a six car garage and a field where parties were held.

But it felt empty.

It no longer felt like home.

Home was where he was supposed to feel love and affection and this house did not give him that anymore.

Every room he passed was filled with memories that made his heart feel like it was breaking into a million pieces.

No one else had been in here except him for the last month.

It ached for some love and affection.

He entered his room.

It was just like the others, expect it reeked of cigarettes and booze.

There were several alcohol bottles strewn carelessly on the carpet and an open packet of cigarettes on the nightstand.

Adam never liked it when he smoked so he had cut down to one per day.

Now, he smoked almost a packet a day, sometimes even two.

He wasn't exactly proud of himself.

He hated drinking before but now it was his way of forgetting.

Of numbing all the pain.

He went to his window and drew the curtains. Sunlight streamed into his room. The weather was perfect for running.

He strode to his closet to change. He picked out black loose basketball  shorts and looked for a t shirt.

He took out the first one he saw.

It was Adam's.

It had a smear of tomato sauce on it. He smiled recalling what had caused it.


It was already ten pm and he had not finished his work. He was a little tipsy as he had been drinking due to the pressure at work.

He leant back and closed his eyes momentarily. "One minute, that's it." He said.

He didn't even get to close his eyes before he heard a knock.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, he said "Go away."

It was probably a janitor.

But the door was opened. Eric opened his now closed eyes and was surprised to see Adam stepped into the office wearing a white t shirt and grey shorts. He was carrying a plastic paper bag.

"Adam, what are you doing here? And why are you wearing shorts and a t shirt?"

"Well, I went to your house to bring you food and check up on you but you were not there so I figured you'd be here."

"Oh wow. You really didn't have to do that. You could have just called me."

"Eric, I'm your friend and I know that the divorce is messing with you so I'm here to support you. If I called you,  you would have lied through your teeth."

He put the bag on the table and sat down. He took out two cokes, burgers with fries to the side.

Eric was struggling with the ketchup and when he managed to tear it open, he accidentally threw it on Adam's shirt.

"I'm so sorry.  I didn't know how to open it and it just came out and...." He stopped when Adam put his hand over his mouth.

"It's okay. It's just a t shirt." He removed his hand from his mouth.

"I was rambling, wasn't I?" Eric asked, a bit embarrased.

"Yeah you were. But that's not important now. Do you have another shirt I can change into?"

"No but if we go to my house I can get you another one."

"Okay but let's eat first."

"Sure thing."

End of flashback.

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