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"Ignore that. I want to to know what you want" Tommy says taking a drag from his smoke. "There were suspicious betting patterns at Kempton Park, a horse called Monaghan boy. He won by a length twice and then finished last, with 3000 pound bets on him." The man sat next to Kimber speaks. "Which one am I talking to? Which one of you is the boss?" Tommy says looking between them.

"I am Mr Kimbers advisor and accountant" he informs. "And I'm the fucking boss. Okay, right, end of parley!" Billy exclaims standing up, "you fixed a race without my permission. You fucking gypsy scum. I am Billy Kimber, I run the races. And you fixed one of them, so I'm going to have you shot against a post." Kimber rages, slamming his hand on the table, before turning away.

"Mr Kimber" Tommy speaks putting cigarette out and standing, unfazed by all the guns that point in his direction, reaching into his pocket and throwing the gold bullet at him. "Look at it. It has my name on it. It's from the Lee family. You are also at war with the Lees, Mr Kimber, am I right?" Tommy says calmly, both men staring each other down, "the lees are attacking your bookies and taking your money, your men can't control them, you need help" Tommy speaks breaking the silence.

"Mr Kimber, perhaps we should.. make arrangements for a second meeting." Kimbers advisor speaks looking between the two, feeling the tension rising, Billy nods walking out throwing Tommy's bullet back to his feet, telling him to pick it up like the pikey boy he is. "We will be at Cheltenham." The advisor speaks following his boss out.

The Shelby men finish their drinks, and head back into the snug, where Isaiah was currently trying to calm Charlotte, whilst Aunt Poll was lecturing her. "Char, you need to calm down." Isaiah says.

"What the fuck is happening here?" Tommy speaks, pushing past Isaiah to crouch infront of his sister. "Why are you angry?" He asks. "I'm going home" Charlie states. "Come on Lotts. Don't be like that." Finn says reaching for her but she moves her arm out of his grasp, breathing heavily.

"You want to go home? Let's go home. I'll take you." Tommy offers, holding a hand out which she takes, letting him lead her out the snug, then out the pub to the open air. "Why are you angry Lotto?" Tommy asks, as they start the short walk. "Is that why you asked Grace out? To take her to Cheltenham? You hardly know her." Charlotte tells him. "I know her better than you do. Is that what this is about? Jesus Christ Lotts." Tommy scoffs. "No.. but why aren't I allowed to come?" Charlotte asks. "It isn't a woman's business, not a woman that isn't a whore." Tommy replies, as it starts to rain. "Not that misogynistic bullshit again Thomas. I went to plenty of them by myself and I'm fine aren't I?" Charlotte replies and they stop. "Are you?" Tommy questions eyeing her, and a look of hurt strikes across her face before she covered it up with anger, "That's low. And if it's nowhere but a whores land, why are you taking Grace?" Charlotte points out. "What's your issue with her? I don't know what the fuck your problem is anymore. I can't fucking recognise you. I thought you'd be supportive, but you're being jealous, getting drunk all the time and you're getting angry at me for nothing. Fucking nothing Charlotte." Tommy snaps. "I'm not jealous! And you didn't answer my question." Charlie says. "She's got company. Male company." Tommy says. "I'd be with Arthur, John, Finn, Diego, Isaiah, Harrison, that's 6 more fucking people than normal. There's a bigger reason you don't want me there." Charlotte exclaims. "You want to know" Tommy says and she nods, "yeah, I do. What is it?"

"You're irrational. You don't think before you do anything. You're a liability. There I fucking said it. You happy?" Tommy says before he could stop himself. "Yeah, I'm really fucking happy. Go fuck Grace. Be happy with her. And whilst you're at it fuck yourself to. You've got your head far enough up your own ass." Charlie says a tear escaping her cheek, watching her brothers face go from anger to one of horror as the realisation of what he'd said kicked in.

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