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"Chris, go and get Charlie up for me. Tell her it's urgent and she needs to get to the hospital." Polly orders, "Sure thing Pol." Chris smiles.

It had been 3 months since Chris' arrival at the Shelby household, and he was becoming a lot more comfortable around, they made sure to keep him out of the business, which he didn't mind. And he was still allowed to go to school, even though Finn rarely attended anymore.

"Charlie" he says knocking on her door, hearing her soft voice say enter, he walks in seeing her stood in her normal daywear. "Polly says you're needed at the hospital, urgently." He tells her, "for fucks sake." she mumbles grabbing her gun, "thanks, have a good day at school," she says giving him a hug before rushing down the stairs and out of the house.


"Ahh Miss Shelby, lovely to see you again." A male Irish voice spoke as she entered the hospital. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Charlotte says turning to the inspector hand resting on her gun, "oh none of that, you should be thanking me, your dear brother might not have made it here, had it not been for my sheer generosity." The Inspector smirks, "fuck you." Charlotte says spitting at his feet. "I see you haven't changed one bit." He says. "And if I may say, that offer sounds... inticing." He adds. "You may not say that, you dirty fucking scum" Charlotte tells him storming off. Which brother though? She didn't get any information just to come to the hospital.

"Take 2 rights, skip a turn then a left." The Inspector calls after her.

Following his instructions, she ends up in an empty ward, empty but a body in the back right corner. "Tommy" she says coming to his bedside, examining his face. "Lottie, pass my cigarettes will ya?" Tommy groans and she rolls her eyes getting them from the side handing it to him. "Hello to you too." She mumbles taking the seat next to him. "What was the inspector doing here?" Charlie questions him, "Irish business. Blackmail. It'll be fine." He says waving off her concern.

"Lottie, I need to get to London." Tommy tells her grasping her hand, "not fucking now you don't, who did this to you?" Charlie replies. "Sabini, annoyed we smashed up one of his clubs." Tommy groans. "Course you fucking did. Now why'd you wanna go back to London?" she asks, "I want to see a baker." Tommy replies, "so you're going to see Alfie Solomons." Charlie says pointedly. "You ain't leaving this hospital bed. Not until you've recovered." She adds jabbing a finger in his direction. "I don't need a fucking lecture. I'm going to London. Here im a fucking sitting duck." Tommy says pushing himself up slightly wincing as he did so. "Why do I have to have a stubborn berk for a brother?" Charlie sighs rubbing her temples, "you're going to give me wrinkle lines early, I'm only 18, don't need them yet." She tells him pacing up and down. "So are you coming?" Tommy asks, "you must be fucking high, I'm not going anywhere and neither are you." Charlie says. "I need to go. And I need you with me. Please Lotts." Tommy groans, starting to move his legs over the side of his bed so he was sat on the edge. "Oh fucking hell." Charlie says helping him. "I can't just up and leave. We have Chris and Finn at home. And Isaiah-" "what about Isaiah, I'm sure you can go a day without your boyfriend." Tommy retorts, and takes a lot of effort to not slap his head. "Well I'm going to fucking London, if you're not coming, then I'll go by myself." Tommy tells her, "how you gonna do that? Cant even stand by yourself." Charlie says watching him push himself up, wobbling slightly. "What did I do in a past life, to end up with such a stubborn brother?" Charlotte says looking to the roof of the hospital, taking a deep breath. "Alright. But you are a fucking idiot." Charlie tells him wrapping his arm round her shoulder as she helped him across the ward, "charming." Tommy snorts, getting his coat of the hook, as she opened the door.

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