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"Lottie, come here." Tommy calls into the betting shop. "Give me a sec" Charlie replies, finishing off the accounts she was counting.

"Yeah?" She asks closing the door to his office and he hands her a letter.

Mr. Charles Ransom Miller.
New York Times.
229 West 43rd St,

"Lottie, if anything happens to me tomorrow, I need you to post this letter. The stamps already on. Don't ask any questions." He says. "Tommy, whatever it is you're involved in, just tell us." Charlotte speaks after a moments silence. "We love you Tom." She adds. "Just post it, if something happens. Post it." Tommy instructs. "What's going to happen?" Charlie asks. "Didn't I just tell you not to ask questions." Tommy sighs, "you did, but I don't feel like listening." She replies. "This isn't a fucking negotiation." He says watching her pull out her cigarettes placing one between her lips and lighting it. "I could just... open this letter." Charlotte says holding his stare. "You got to wait one day. Either I tell you, or Mr Miller does. But under no circumstances do you open it. If I can't trust you, I'll have to ask someone else to do it. Can I trust you Lottie?" Tommy asks, stealing one of her cigarettes. "Yeah. You can trust me Tom." Charlie nods. "Good. We leave tomorrow 6 am." He dismisses her.


"Oi Johnny. Drop me at Adas, then go get Arthur. Once you got him, get him to call this number. Then come to this address." Tommy commands, handing him a slip of paper. "Why you going to Adas Tom?" John questions, "she's got something I need." Tommy replies getting out the van as Johnny pulls over.


"Johnny, lemme see that." Charlie says taking the slip off of him, when they'd parked outside the prison. "I can't tell whether he's being moronic or a genius." She tells the others, getting out of the van.

"When's Arthur meant to be out?" Harrison questions, "3 and a half minutes." John says checking his pocket watch, fiddling with the toothpick in his mouth.


"How the fucks he got me out of this then?" Arthur grunts as Charlie wraps her arms round him, embracing her oldest brother. "Got told no questions." Charlie replies, releasing him holding his face in her hands, "I'm fine, well as fine as you can be surrounded by Sabinis fuckers, eh." Arthur smirks, placing a hand round her shoulder as they walk back to the group, "need to get you to a phone, you need to make a call" Charlie tells him, "a phone? Why?" Arthur questions as she hands him the slip, "it's all part of Tommy's plan.... apparently." Charlie says as the siblings get into the car.


"Alright, there's a phone." Johnny points out, and Arthur climbs out dialling the number, having a quick conversation with Tommy, before putting the phone down and coming back over to them.

"Where we going now?" Arthur asks, "waiting for Tommy." Johnny speaks starting the car again and driving off.


"You're late." John says as Tommy makes his way over to them. "Please, I had business" Tommy replies, as he and Arthur hug. "I need you today, brother." Tommy tells him. "We pulled some strings. You alright?"

"I am now" Arthur responds giving Tommy's shoulder a squeeze.

"You. Can I still trust you?" Tommy points at Charlie, "that's a stupid question." She scoffs. "Still a question, so answer it." Tommy replies, "have I ever given you a reason not?" "I need a direct answer" "Yes. You can trust me." Charlie mumbles.

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