Prince of Knights Chp15

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Salam everyone, hope everything is okay :) Enjoy this chapter and vote.


~*Without Hope we are Lost*~ Mahmoud Darwish.

The sun was greeted in the tribe of Al Rashideen with open arms. The Bride's family encircled her when the sun rose higher. Raghad was garbed in a ravishing dark gown, brought from Iraq. Her thick glossy hair were combed, braided and the plait fell down her back. A large, red velvet shawl eclipsed her face and covered her form. The women who prepared the bride spoke of bravery and fortitude to her as if they comprehended her despair, but they did not. The one that understood her misery was her own soul that wailed every time she breathed.

Raghad wept when her mother encased her form and bid her farewell. She could not commit anything, they were taking her away from her safety into the hell of slavery. Sheikh Faisal, her beloved father was nowhere in sight when women took hold of her arms, tenderly. As if she was a rose who's only last petal breathed. Raghad clamped her teeth on her chapped bottom lip the moment she stepped out of her father's tent.

There was a series of camels that carried her belongings, and passengers. Camels and horses herded around her camel. The camel presented to her by Khalid when she was little. There was a howdaj positioned on the back of her camel. A seat for a person, with a railing and a canopy, decorated with expensive gems.

Raghad knew the horses belonged to the Borkans except from the white horse, that stood next to her camel. Badr was the only one who wished to accompany her, upon hearing that news Raghad had shed more salty tears. The night before when Badr had accepted her entreaty the abhorrence in her sinless heart had perished only to be filled with utter love. She spotted him everywhere, he was alongside her at times of isolation and wretchedness.

Raghad recalled how hard she had attempted to close her eyes at night in order to plunge in the depths of a dreamless slumber, but had failed significantly. It was after Fajr prayer that she was prepared for the journey. Borkan tribesmen mounted their horses while the others helped the women. Badr grabbed her left hand and trod to her camel.

"Badr, I am afraid." the bride rasped, her grip firm around his hand.

Badr leaned down to plant a kiss on her head. "Habibty Raghad, do not worry I am here with you and shall be there for as long as you desire." he vowed as he helped her sit in the Howdaj, cautiously.

Raghad wrapped her palled fingers around the railing when the camel began to stand. She could see everything, however disregarded the black horse that stood in front of the caravan like a devil. "Do you need anything?" Badr questioned and straddled his white horse, Barq.

Raghad shook her head ever so slightly, all of a sudden bashful, conscious of the innumerable eyes that gaped at her Howdaj in wonderment. Even though curtains from both sides obscured her, she did not drop her veil. Within a trice a horse cantered up to them and asked Badr if the caravan could proceed. He gave a nod, the messenger galloped back to the front to apprise Faris, then at long last the caravan advanced.

The heart inside her bust begin to pulsate viciously, so rapid that she was certain it would cease. Such immense terror, such vulnerability was something she had never suffered. Raghad permitted the water that kindled her eyes to flow down her cheeks openly. After a prolong while she decided to lift her veil as there was no one around her but the beloved brother, her protector, Badr.

The pace of the camel swayed her form back and forth gently. Sheets of sand-dunes that passed her vision were magnificent. Raghad swathe her arms around her middle when a bitter breeze danced inside the Howdaj. The tears on her cheeks dried as she stared at the sand-dunes, then plain desert, trees and sand-dunes yet once again.

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