Prince of Knights Chp32

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~*Nothing is harder on a soul than the smell of dreams, while they're evaporting~* Mahmoud Darwish. 

Faris stepped out of the masjid when the Imam of the tribe halted Badr to converse. The knight of knights ambled up to where his horse, Tufan's reins were tied around a palm tree next to the masjid. He untied the reins then glanced to his left as a young boy sauntered up to him. Faris knew the boy had come to take Tufan to the fence. He traced his tongue over his chapped lips then stood to his full height. At the glorious sight of him, bushes rattled and the desert stirred its particles to lull their heartbeats, for, by Allah, he was a vision to behold. 

He handed the reins to the boy who stood a foot away from him with terror visible in his brown eyes. The groom glanced down at his trembling hand over his small dagger clearly an indication for Faris that he was armed, the knight smirked mentioning with his head for him to depart. As soon as Faris turned around to face the wooden door of the masjid, Sagr of knights walked out with one of his hands behind his back. 

"I am disappointed ya Badr," He paused as the man lifted a brow at him questioningly. "It took only a few moments to locate your knights." Faris mocked.

At Faris's words, Badr smiled then gave a slow nod of his head. "Believe me, Faris, I would have been utterly thwarted if you could not locate them sooner than what you pronounce."

Here a smirk lifted the corner of Faris's lips, however, he remained hushed. Badr inhaled then moved his hands to cross them over his broad chest disregarding the spectators who glanced at them now and then petrified that hell would unleash. "I would not say that I am not glad to have your presence here, prince. However, I would like to know what is the ground behind this sudden visit?" Badr demanded, his voice taut.

"Let us have a walk." Faris pivoted to the side and took a step forward. Badr cleared his throat then ambled alongside him. Knight of Knights entwined his fingers behind him and observed ahead as the sky commenced to open its eyes for a new sun plunging the twinkling stars into a slumber.

"I am to comprehend that the matter which has guided you here is of prime importance." Badr begin and Faris merely hummed. That instant a disobedient member of the wind encircled them in its cloak and twirled their robes as it swayed gleefully.

"The Borkans wish for me to bring back your head." The groom verbalized in a voice that pacified the wind instantly.

"This would not be the first time." Badr retorted with just as much abhorrence in his voice. "However, I would like to know, yet once again what had caused the tribesmen to possess such a desire?" He added in a crude voice.

"A knight was found dead and his sibling believes the wrongdoing was committed by you." Faris pushed his hair back when a chilly breeze risked swaying his braid taking advantage of him not wearing his headdress.

"Why would he ponder that?" Badr quizzed with a frown on his handsome face. At the countenance on his face, the wind along with the trees whimpered.

"The man stationed around my tribe is not veiled from all, ya Badr," Faris stressed on the word my to emphasize the enormity of this matter.

"I never intended to conceal my knights," Badr replied slowly and frowned perplexedly. Why on earth would they desire to condemn him when his world, his beloved sister Raghad resided in that tribe. 

"They wish for you to congregate your leaders and take an oath that indeed you are sinless." Faris provoked.

Badr halted his steps. "That, ya Sheikh, will never occur." He responded eclipsing his fury.

Faris nodded with a smirk on his lips. "That is not important, ya sagr al fursan, what is important is that we discover the real culprit."

Here Badr rotated around to stare Faris in puzzlement. "You cannot mean that this is associated to what you divulged on your Nikah?" 

Faris unclasped his hands only to place his left hand on the hilt of his sword that hung from his left. "Indeed."

Badr inhaled at this. "Am I to take that the one behind this butchery is from your tribe, from the Borkans?" He stared at Faris in the eye as if condemning him.

Faris grit his teeth. "It is as I predict. There is indeed someone who wishes to soak our tribes in blood and that individual is hidden very well, ya Badr." It took boundless forte from him to not unsheathe his sword and slit Badr's throat the moment words left his lips, but Faris remained unmoving for he knew the Prince was right.

"One person cannot commit all these sins." Badr traveled his eyes from Faris to the tribesmen who walked up to their herd with a staff in hand and a thick shawl draped over them to shield their bodies against the bitter cold.

"No, he is not unaccompanied. There is someone else who has the strings." Faris started to walk again and Badr mirrored his action.

"Am I to apprehend that other neighboring tribes are involved?" Badr was baffled to hear this. The Borkan and Rashideen were the wolves on top of the cliff, who would wish to become their prey in the most barbaric manner one could imagine? At once something clawed at the door of his brain and Badr growled.

"From your response, I would say that you have encountered the same." Faris enveloped his robe on the left side of his chest when a strong wind gushed around them.

Badr clenched his jaw and stared ahead, he remained hushed as thoughts whirled in his brain. When they reached a farm, he started. "A few nights back, my trade was halted by some men on its way from Saudi Arabia. From what I heard they were veiled in a black cloth. However, what is peculiar is that those men did not loot, nor did they harm any of my men," Faris glanced at him, his dark, gloomy eyes narrowed. "Clearly it was an unspoken message." Badr hissed the last part.

"A threat is more like it. It seems they are meddling in our affairs." At this, Faris's fist clenched and fury ascended in his blood. Who had the courage to confront him? Who was so naïve to step in his boundaries and test his forbearance? By Allah, he would locate them and he, Faris, will slaughter every single one of them with his own hands. He shall present them a death no tribesman has witnessed, a death that shall forewarn every tribe to keep distance. "I believe it is the time we act on what we acceded a few moons past." Faris enunciated, his voice inscrutable.

Badr pressed his lips in a thin line then gave a nod. He gathered his thoughts, indeed he stood alongside Faris the man he had desired to kill. However, he had given this man his word. Badr recalled the words Faris had spoken to him on the wedding. He had said that it seemed rather bizarre to have an individual like Salem murder a man. Faris had informed him of how he had studied Salem and how he knew he was guiltless. It was then Badr had recollected that he had never confronted Salem, that he had never sat with his sibling and interrogated him. He had blindly believed in what others uttered. However, he knew even if Salem had not slaughtered the Borkan, he was indeed involved, and for that mere reason his beloved sister, Raghad had wedded Faris. 

On that undesired day, both knights agreed to shroud this matter. Faris had voiced that he required time to be sure of certain affairs. He had provided Badr a glimpse of his doubts and now, here, listening to what Faris verbalized Badr knew that the knight was right, he knew there was someone who was willing to slaughter both tribes and wipe their existence.

Just as the sun peaked over the mountains and the birds open their wings to the knights passed a farm and here Badr stopped to face Faris. "Let us return. You must get some rest before the Sheikh calls for your presence." 


Well everyone has been commenting what did say on Faris's wedding day. Well, now you guys know. So what do you think? Who's this culprit? Sorry, there is no Raghad, but am working on the next chapter and she will be there ;) 

Follow Queens_realm to be more update. 

PS: Support 'The Rogue' I need support to keep writing it. Thank you. 

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