chapter xviii - showers

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instead of answering i wrap my arms around his neck, pushing him into me.

here we go again.

his lips are rough, yet gentle at the same time. they distracted me, leaving me breathless and somehow pants-less. i had no idea how he got them off that quickly, but i'm not complaining.

he pulls away and turns on the shower. when he turns back to face me, his eyes show me nothing but lust and a hint of something else, but my mind is to focused on the lust to figure that out.

he takes his leather jacket off slowly - as if he was asking me to stare at how good he looked in the white shirt he wore - before tossing it on the counter beside me.

his eyes tracked down my body as he slowly walks over to me - pausing to take his shirt off as well. he smiles as he watches me. i can't help it, my eyes do what his have been doing, staring.

his hands fall to my knees, pushing them apart as he leans in, letting our lips connect again. his fingers linger up my back, fumbling for the zipper of my dress. my hands travel in the opposite way, unbuckling his belt. he chuckles, "impatient, aren't we?"

"maybe," i say as he lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. he turns us around and practically slams us into the wall. his head is buried into my neck as he begins to pull my dress off.

mila's cries interrupt us. "my girl, the master of timing," he says, leaning his head back. he puts me down and pulls my zipper back up.

"that she is."

"don't worry, we'll continue this in a minute, baby," he says with a prideful, arrogant smile. i don't respond, hoping to leave him wondering.

mason rolls over, beginning to cry too as mila's shrills fill the room. negan follows me out in only his boxers, of course. he gently sits down on the bed with mason, running his fingers through his hair, soothing him.

i rock mila back and forth in my arms and tear my eyes away from the boys to look down at her. 'all that commotion for a pacifier, huh?' i think as she falls back to sleep immediately, the pacifier snug in her mouth.

i set her down in the playpen and watch her for a minute. a hand wraps around my waist and lips land on my shoulder, trailing their way to my ear. "now, where were we?"

"hmm, i don't know. how about you remind me?", i whisper back as he spins me around and pulls me back up into his arms.

"yes ma'am," he says before kissing me. my back pushes the bathroom door back open. he unzips my dress again as he puts me down.

the dress practically falls off then, my underwear and bra right behind it. he picks me up once more after stepping out of his boxers, walking us into the water.

the water beats down on us as our lips continue smashing into each other, hands roaming all over our bodies.

the door bangs open and the small pitter-patter of feet can be heard. i know what's coming next, and dear god i can't let it happen. i push negan off of me and grab the shower curtain, making sure no one can open it.

i peek my head out the side, there stands mason with tears in his eyes. "nightmare," he murmurs, "you and mr. negan come sleep with me?"

"sure buddy, go get in bed, we'll be there in a minute," i say with a fake smile, hoping the three-year-old won't see right through me.

"otay," he says sadly, turning around and slowly climbing back in the bed.

"these children are gonna be the death of me," negan says. i ignore him, climbing out of the shower. after drying off quickly, i throw his shirt and my underwear on. the shirt reaches down to my lower thighs, so i'm covered for the most part.

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