chapter xxiv - finally

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tw: fluff (ew gross feelings), overstimulation, praise, teasing, edging, etc

i walk ahead to meet michonne, "thank you for everything," i say as i hug her. "both of you."

"anytime," she smiles at me.

"bring them for visits, okay?" rick says.

"of course," i hug him. "and watch carl. he's gonna get that poor girl pregnant, and you're way too young to be a grandpa."

rick laughs, "i will."

"say bye-bye, mason."

mason groggily sits up off my shoulder, "bye-bye."

"bye buddy," rick says before kissing mason's head. "tell mila i said bye, she looks pretty comfortable," he says looking at mila in her carrier, she was knocked out.

"i will," i say as i turn to the pair behind me. negan had his sunglasses on as he watched me with a smile. god, he looked even hotter in those.

"'til next time, rick," negan reaches his hand out. rick hesitates but shakes it. negan smiles at him, then turns to me and takes my hand. "let's go home."

"let's go home."

we walk hand in hand back to the truck. once we get the kids in, we climb in as well. "you look really good in those," i smile at him.

he smiles back, "well, thank you, doll. but sweet talkin' me isn't gonna get you cleared."

"i am not sweet-talking you."

"yes, you are."

"am not, but i do wanna get cleared." he pulls the truck out of the gates.

he grins, "we've got a lot of christening to do, don't we?"

i turn to look at the kids before i say my next words. thank god they were sleeping. "a lot," i say as i scoot closer to him, kissing his jaw then his neck.

"mkay," he strains, "i'm gonna need you to not do that."

"i'm not doing anything, you just drive," my lips continue their way back to his jaw as my hand travels to his shirt, going under it. my hand slides slightly under his waistband. he groans quietly as i leave marks down his neck.

"mm, baby girl, i'm gonna need you to stop doin' that before i pull this truck over and fuck you in front of everyone. that'd make me a liar, and i do not lie," he says, glancing from the rear view mirror to the road to my hands and back to the road.

"maybe that's what i want."

"mrs. smith, are you trying to make me a liar?"

"yep," my hand travels further down his hips.

"dammit," he groans, "i am not a liar but i will fuck you infront of everyone. and i mean everyone. mm, we could have a little meeting. i could spread those beautiful thighs open for everyone to see," he chuckles as my cheeks burn.

i groan as i pull back, "you're no fun."

he smiles, "i thought i was the addict here."

"i'm not as bad as you."

"well, what you just did contradicts that."

"eh, same difference."

he laughs, "one of these days, i'm gonna let you drive. i'm gonna make sure the kids aren't in here and do exactly what you just did. we'll probably crash."

"no we won't, i have control."

"you keep tellin' yourself that, babe."

15 minutes later...

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