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The room was warm, really warm and her skin still felt sticky as his large hands ran over her body lazily. She still couldn't believe she was doing this. Mark was...Mark. He was Mark and she was having sex with him, and he had just finished having sex with her and it had been amazing and now he was holding her. Actually holding her. She had been pretty sure manwhores didn't hold women after sex. She had actually heard the nurses complaining about it, about the fact that the second he was done he pulled his close back on and left. And she was pretty sure she hadn't heard any other girl talk about going home with him. She was home with him. She was recovering from sex, in Mark Sloan's arms, lying in his bed. She didn't want to move. She kind of loved this.

His body was big and manly and masculine and he smelled like...something big and manly. His muscles were relaxed but still obvious against her small, skinny arm and she rolled over slightly to face him. His eyes were half-closed and he had a half-smirk on his lips. "Hey," he growled, leaning to kiss her.

"Hey," she whispered.

"You're feisty," he chuckled softly.

"You need a new word," Lexie rolled her eyes.

"Why? I like feisty."

"You always tell me I'm feisty."

"Not my fault you are."

"And that's all I am?"

"You're great in bed too," Mark laughed. "Which...well...could have fooled me."

"Excuse me?"

"You look innocent...like a school girl...never would have guessed you for the bad girl type."

"I'm not a bad girl type," she frowned.

"What you just did there..."

"That wasn't bad girl."

"It wasn't?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Well...I mean, it was...not really," she shook her head. "I read Cosmo, you know."

"Ah yes, the good girl's Bible to great, dirty sex."

"It's educational."

"Textbooks are educational, Lex, not sex magazines," he grinned, kissing her hard again.

"Fine," she laughed. "I'll stop reading it."

"Good," he nodded. "As you have your very own sex guru right here."

"You're not a sex guru."

"Oh, I am."

"You're not."

"Lexie, I know things that would make you moan that you don't even know you like."

"And you're keeping them to yourself because..."

"Have to give you a reason to stay the night," he shrugged, his eyes suddenly downcast.

"Mark..." she breathed, running her hand along his strong bicep. "I don't need a reason."

"Yeah, the sex is reason enough, right?" he laughed.

"N...yeah," she whispered, shifting to cuddle into his strong chest. "Yeah."

"Sex with a sex guru," he nodded, his hand moving over her slightly damp hair as she listened to his heart beat.

"I think I need a break," she murmured.

"From what?"

"Sex, Mark. Keep up."

"Sorry," he laughed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "I need one too."

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