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"Okay, are you sure this is a good idea?" Lexie sighed for the millionth time. "Because I'm pretty sure he might kill you, he might actually kill you. Because this is...what if he's crying? He wouldn't want me to see him crying."

"You've seen him crying already," Mark shrugged as he turned.

"I know but that was ...different or something," she shrugged.

"Lex," he sighed, sounding more than slightly frustrated, "if we called and said we were coming, he'd act normal."


"And then I can't figure out if he's really okay."

"You could just ask him."

"Yeah, right," he snorted.

"He might tell you the truth."

"Since you know my brother so well."

"Mark," Lexie groaned. "Just explain you're concerned and I'm sure he'll tell you."

"Doesn't work like that."

"It could."

"It doesn't."

"Oh," Lexie suddenly grinned. "You could fake cry."


"You could fake cry," she nodded quickly. "Just go and ask him if he's good and when he says he's fine you could do this whole break down about how worried you are and how you love him and just want him to be happy."

"You..." he frowned, turning to stare at her.


"That is the gayest thing I've ever heard. Literally.

"Oh," she frowned. "But it could work."

"If I want Shep to think I'm gay."

"It...it was just an idea," she sighed.

"My idea is better."

"Unless I see him crying and he kills you," she frowned. "Besides...ummm...Mark?"


"Last night you were...by your own terminology gay. Because you couldn't stop talking about how worried you were, how much you love him and how much you just want him to be happy again."



"Stop calling me gay before I have to prove to you I'm not."

"Mark! I'm just saying, it's what you said."

"He's my brother."

"I know that. I don't think you're gay."

"You better not after an hour ago.'

"I don't," Lexie rolled her eyes.

"That's what I thought."

"I'm just saying, you could just tell him that and fake cry while you're at it."


"Fine. We'll do it your way."


"And when he kills you, I'll put the fact it was your own fault on the tombstone."

"Thanks, Lex. You should be worried too you know."

"I am, Mark," she smiled softly.

"I mean, your sister did something wrong."


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