The Unwilling Bride

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Chapter 3

She looked down at her gown, and then up at the man standing across from her. 'This is the most horrific event I've ever been to,' she thought to herself. The gown she was wearing looked as if an old biddy let her borrow it, and Colin was no better. He stood there with a bored expression as the priest read the vows.

She had already signed the papers; therefore, she did not see the reasoning in going through with this ill-thought out ceremony. She wanted to forget anything that could make them closer as people, and throw herself into her work. Looking down at her garb once more, she wondered if he would care if she worked in it.

The priest cleared his throat and her head snapped in his direction. He was looking at her while nodding his head as if he was trying to send her a special code. Her eyebrows crinkled together, and she nodded along with him. The man let out a sigh, and she knew that she made the wrong move. Her mother always told her that she would get in trouble for not listening.

She did too, in more ways than one. Cassandra glanced at the three men, but none of their faces told her what to do.

"Um, yes?" she said with uncertainty clear in her voice.

The priest smiled at her and mumbled more words that she didn't catch. It wasn't her fault though. How could she think when a man's lips were descending towards hers? Her heart boomed in her chest, her palms began to perspire through her gloves, and then he pecked her on the cheek.

Everyone appeared to be happy about the kiss that was an inch from her lips, but on the inside, she was screaming for more. Why didn't he kiss her lips as they did at traditional weddings? Did he not find her attractive? She had heard stories of men kissing anything that was female, so she didn't think it was that.

He could be a good person. The thought flitted through her head before she pushed it away. She did not marry a good person. She married a lazy, egotistical, selfish, bad person, and that was final.

They walked out of the church, something she was surprised they even had, and were greeted by cheering people. At first, she was a little overwhelmed by the amount of people wanting to greet her, but then she remembered who she was. She was Cassandra Ashmore, and she would show these people that they didn't have to worry anymore.

While she was shaking hands with villagers and waving at children, she kept the smile on her face. She ignored the dirt and grime that covered their bodies, but she added hygiene to the list of things to improve upon.

Soon, the villagers all dispersed and she was left standing once more with Colin and her father.

"Well, doll. I have to be leaving now," Lord Ashmore said. She could see the tears in his eyes and wrapped her arms around him. Cassandra was the only child her mother could have, and her parents never took that for granted. Of course, they never spoiled her, but they did show their affections like no other.

"I will miss you, Papa," she whispered into his jacket front while squeezing him tighter.

He put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her to arm's length away, "I will only be a day's ride away. There is no reason why you should not be visiting at least once a month." He didn't say the words while looking at her though; he said them while glaring behind her.

Cassandra knew her father blamed the situation on Colin for some odd reason, but he needed someone to blame. They stood there for a minute or two, before her father finally seemed satisfied.

Dropping his arms, he gave her a smile. "I love you, Cassie."

She glared at her father for using the name she so admittedly avoided. "Love you too, Papa."

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