Part 30

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Chapter 30

Colin crumbled the paper into a ball before cursing and trying to flatten it back out.  They may need the letter in the future.  He may need it to identify the person who wrote it.  Anger flowed through him at the thought of someone threatening Cassie.  She was finally getting settled into his life, and now someone had to shake her confidence at the worst time possible.

Folding the paper, he tucked it into his pocket before jogging down the stairs.  He needed to find Cassie.  He needed to tell her why he did what he did.  He hesitated at the bottom of the stairs.  Where would his precious wife go when she was frustrated?  Where would she feel comforted?

Colin bypassed the hallway towards the kitchen and stepped towards the manor door.  Pushing it opened, he hoped that his instincts were right.  His steps quickened as he got closer to the stable.  The next thing on his list of things to repair would be this.  The thing may be well enough to shelter her two horses, but it, like everything else, was falling apart.

Sniffling caught his attention as soon as he stepped into the stables.  Could his wife be crying?  Colin threw the idea out of his mind.  Cassie was stronger than that, Colin assured himself.  The truth was that if Colin had been the cause of her tears, he did not think he could take the guilt.  Did he make the one woman he cared about since his mother’s death cry?  Did he ruin any possibility of having a genuine relationship with his wife?

The laughter he heard seconds later made him stop in his tracks.  Why would she be laughing?  His hand landed on the stable door.  Should he peek over it, or simply push it open?  Looking over the door, his eyes filled with amusement.  Cassie was sitting on the ground, her horse lying next to her, but that wasn’t the funny part.  What Colin found amusing was the fact that Cooper was playing with the horse.

Well, it was more Cooper trying to get his shirt from the horse’s teeth.  The boy pulled and the horse gave him the hope of getting it free before yanking it back causing Cooper to jolt forward.  The lad giggled and looked over at Cassie.  Her eyes shined with love as she smiled at the lad.

“Would you like your shirt back?” she asked.

The boy nodded at her.  Cassie’s hand reached out and smoothed the horse’s mane.  “Let it go, Fury.”

To Colin’s surprise, the horse immediately dropped its new toy and huffed. 

“Colin,” Cassie called out, “if you would like to join us, you may.  I find it quite uncomfortable for you to be staring at us like that.”

He ducked his head down quickly in reflex.  Damn, how long had she known he stood there staring at the two?  Did she know the minute he had walked in?  Straightening up, he pushed to door open and sent her a sheepish smile.  “I am sorry for intruding.”

She waved a hand in dismissal.  “You aren’t.  Cooper was just cheering me up.  I can tell you this, it worked.”

He stared at his wife’s smile and let out a sigh of relief.  She wasn’t angry anymore, but they still needed to talk.  There were many things he wanted to say to her, but he didn’t want to say them in front of the lad.  He also did not want to send the boy away as if Cooper was a burden.

“Ah, there you are,” a voice said from behind him.  Looking over, he stared into the angry eyes of his friend.  Colin wanted to bang his head against something in frustration.  Did everyone know what he had done?

Peirce’s eyes softened as they turned towards Cassie and Cooper.  “How are my loves doing?  Is there anyone I need to hurt?”

Cassie laughed at him and shook her head. “No, Cooper has it all under control.”

Peirce stared at her for a moment and nodded as if he picked up an underlining message in her words. “I shall make cookies.  Does there happen to be someone who could help me with that?”

Cooper darted to his feet, and Colin was surprised the horse did not startle at the sudden movement.  “Me!”

Peirce opened the door, grabbed Cooper, and left without another word.  Colin knew that his friend was angry at him, but none of them realized how much Cassie’s words had hurt him.  It may have been a thought she had before she met him, but it still felt like a small deception on her part.

“You may sit.”

He sent her a tiny smile and did as she said.  Staring at her, he wondered where he should start.  He opened his mouth to explain, but she beat him to it.  “I overreacted when I ran from you.  I guess it is the first thing I think to do when I’m trapped.  I know you were hurt by what I told you, but I was hurt by what you did to me.  I don’t like being manipulated, Colin,” she whispered.

“I know,” he said with a sigh while picking up a piece of straw, “and I should not have done it.  I cannot change what I have already done, but I do apologize.  It wasn’t something you do to a person you care for.”

“You care for me?” she asked with a smile that lit her eyes.

He blinked at her.  “Do you honestly think I would go through so much trouble for someone I did not care for?”


“Are we fine?”

She nodded her head.  “We are perfect.”

“Not necessarily,” Colin said while tossing the hay to the ground and pulling out the note.  “We need to talk about this.  I need to know who is threatening you.”

She rolled her eyes in exasperation and leaned her upper body on her horse.  “I do not know who it could be.  Think about it, Colin, it could be anyone from my past.  James, the people who thought I was a witch, and anyone else I have angered.”

“I was afraid of that,” he mumbled.  “Do you not recognize the writing?  Surely you have seen what the Duke’s looks like?”

“Yes, I have, but that does not matter.  The man could have any number of people write the letter for him.  A butler perhaps, or a footman?”

Colin nodded.  “That is a possibility.  Would your father be able to identify the penmanship?”

“Maybe,” she said while biting her lip.  “He does know people who may be able to find who the writer is.  What will you do?  Send it to him?”

“We could visit?” her face turned white and Colin quickly said, “I will send it to him.”

“What if he comes here?  He is very protective, Colin.  I do not think involving him in this is a good idea.  He would have guards standing outside our chamber door.  It is not something I would look forward too.”

He reached out and grabbed her hand.  “It is not something I would want either, but if it kept you safe, I would do it.”

“I know, but I do not want to change our lives because of this.  It is just a letter,” she replied as she tightened her hold on his hand.

Colin realized what she was doing even as she tried to hide it.  His wife may be scared, but she was trying to reassure him.  She was putting his needs above hers.  How could he not love her?  The sudden thought caused him to tense.  He did not love her yet, did he?  It was too soon.  He wasn’t ready.

“Colin?  Colin!  What is the matter?” Her voice held an edge of panic.  Panic he had caused her.

Looking up at her, he formed a tiny smile while mumbling, “Nothing.  Nothing is wrong.”


Awesome bookcover on the side was done by Ari3ll3's friend.

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