Bonding Over Crumbs

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Chapter 13

Cassandra tried to shift away from the heat that was pressed against her back.  She felt like she was snuggling with the sun, and frankly, it was uncomfortable.  Her body barely moved before it was pulled back once more.  Her eyes opened and blinked multiple times as she tried to remember where she was.  Looking around, she realized that the blue duvet didn’t belong to her, her's was a soft pink color.  The arm that was slung around her body also didn’t belong to her.

She held her breath as she stared down at the offensive appendage.  The arm tightened around her stomach as it pulled her even closer to the warm body behind her. What was she to do?  Just lay there and let it hold her?  She had to admit that it felt quite nice, but she didn’t think it was proper.  Well, she wasn’t even sure who the arm belonged to.

Trying to turn and see who she was up against, she wiggled her body around.  The person groaned and tightened their arms before pushing back.  That brief moment was all she needed to feel the exact type of situation she was in.  Luck was with her though as the man rolled away from her.

With his arms somewhere else besides around her body, she was able to turn and see exactly who it was she was laying with.  The first thing her eyes came into contact with were Colin’s brown eyes.  He gave her a tentative smile as if he was afraid she would get up and run as far as she could away from him.  She wouldn’t run though, she had been alive for twenty years, and if there was something she learned in those years, it was that running got you nowhere.

She put her hands on both sides of her body as she pushed herself into a sitting position.  Giving him back a smile, she asked, “Did I fall asleep?”

He let out an audible breath and nodded. “Yes.  We were talking.”

“Ah, yes.  I remember now,” she said as she felt the heat rise on her cheeks.  Had she really been so bold as to ask him to hold her?  Ladies did not ask men to hold them; they just waited until they were fortunate enough to receive affection from their husbands.

He opened his mouth, but a loud rumbling sound interrupted any words he might have said.  Cassandra’s hands snapped up and covered her face.  She couldn’t believe that unattractive noise had just come from her stomach.  She wished he would just leave so she could find herself something to eat.  Seconds later, she felt the touch of his hands on her own.  He pried them off her face with a gentleness many men did not possess.

As his hands uncovered her face, she closed her eyes.  She didn’t want to see the disgust that he would have on his face.  Women were not supposed to make such sounds.

“Open your eyes please,” he whispered.

She shook her head in refusal.

Letting out a sigh, he continued to talk. “Is it because your stomach growled?  If so, then you’re being silly again.  It’s a human reaction that many people who haven’t eaten have.  You could walk through the village and hear many people make that exact noise.”

She opened her eyes slowly to see Colin staring at her with an amused expression.  Her heart, which had been beating wildly moments before, began to settle down as she realized that he was not embarrassed by her.  She sat there in silent shock as he swung his legs off the bed and got to his feet.  Turning, he held his hand out for her to take.

“Come; let’s see what we can cook up.”

She grabbed his hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet.  They would have made contact if it wasn’t for the swift step Colin took back.  He gave her a tight smile and began walking out the doorway.  She had no choice but to follow behind him for he held her hand.  There was one thing she didn’t understand though.

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