Part 43

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Chapter 43

Colin looked on the ground. They wanted him to flee to the manor, but he would not. He could not leave Cassie in the hands of his attacker. Colin did not know what was going on, but he knew one thing. Cassie was in danger, and he would do anything to keep her from being harmed further.

"You will never find it," Peirce mumbled. "It is dark; I do not know why we cannot look for it in the morn."

"I need that ring," he replied. "My head is stitched up, my stomach is full, I sent Ramsey back to the manor; what more do you want from me?"

Colin heard Peirce begin to walk towards him. "What is so special about this ring?"

"It is blue."

Nodding, Peirce did not say another word as he dropped down to his hands and knees in search of the hidden item. Peirce knew how much the jewelry meant to Colin. It was one of the few things that held good memories of his childhood. If Colin wanted to give it to Cassie, he would look day and night for the object.

"Found something," Peirce called out, causing Colin to snap his head towards his friend. Nausea hit him but quickly passed.

"What is it?"

Peirce stood and began walking towards him. "Your ring."

Letting out a chuckle, Colin reached out and snagged the thing from his friend's palm. "I cannot believe you found it so quickly."

"Yes, well, the bloody thing poked me. I think it found me, not the other way around."

"As long as it is in my hands, I do not care how you acquired it. Now, are you ready?"

Peirce narrowed his eyes. "You said that we could wait to leave. Colin, you are not well enough to travel."

"Peirce, I love her. Do I really need to say anything else?"

"It is idiotic."

"She could be hurt."

"It is foolish."

"Or dead."

"And I am going to help you do it," Peirce said while shaking his head. "I wish I did not listen to you, better yet, I wish Cassie was like her cousin. I would not have to worry about the chit because she would just smile and nod."

"That honestly bothers you, does it not?"

Peirce nodded. "Does she talk?"

Colin laughed at the miffed expression on Peirce's face. "She spoke to me; albeit, she seemed shy, but she still spoke. I understand now; what did you do to her?"

Peirce's face turned red. "I do not know what you mean."

"Did you proposition her?"

"Nay, would you leave it alone? Let us just leave it at the fact that the woman does not like me very well."

Colin chuckled once more. "I cannot believe you. The woman was in the manor for only a short time before you turned her against you."

Peirce reached out and thumped him on the shoulder. "I thought we were going to find Cassie? She could be dead, remember."

Colin instantly sobered. "I remember. Can you blame me for attempting to find humor when, on the inside, I am trying to hold myself together."

An apologetic expression crossed his friend's face, but Colin just dismissed it with a tiny smile and a shake of his head. Walking towards Dread, Colin checked the saddle before swinging onto the creature. Colin may have been attempting to find amusement, but he knew that there was only one thing that could make him feel better, Cassie. Snapping the reins, Colin took off towards the trail, hoping that he found her before it was too late.

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