Chapter Seven - Nervous Much?

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Marcus' POV

Clearing my desk, I tried to act professional as much as possible. Of all the class I was chosen to teach, I ended up on this class, why oh why is she in here? Not that I don't want to see her, in fact I am very much pleased to see her but, how can I contain myself and act like we were strangers. Wait a minute, why do I even feel this way at all, we barely know each other to begin with.

She glanced at me before leaving the room, wait, does that mean she likes me? Her beauty really caught my eye from the start, her angelic face, her long brunette wavy hair, even without make up she looks stunning. I can imagine smelling her near her neck. Ugh! Am I getting a boner just thinking about it? I need to behave myself. I can't wait to see her play the piano, I have to make it happen.

Heading to the Principal's office, I managed to take over musical tutorials as well. Since I am only teaching English and Physical Education I added music as an excuse to encourage Stacy to play. I really want to get to know her better.

Stacy's POV

Bridget and I started shoving books and binders on our lockers and walked outside the quadrangle. We bid goodbye to Jessica as her dad came to pick her up. Bridget was texting while we were seated on the ceramic bench near the sidewalk while she waits for her stepmom and me waiting for the bus. She nudged me, I hadn't realized I was in deep thought.

"Stace, you ok? Tell me, you like him right?" Is she reading my mind? That's outrageous why would I have a crush on my own teacher?

"Bridget, no. He just looks kind for a teacher." Now that's a safe answer.

"You mean to say, too gorgeous to be a teacher?" She teased me. "I didn't say that, you did!" I fired back. There's no way I am admitting I like him, wait Do I? It's not that I am worried about the bet but also it's illegal to pursue whatever is this I am currently feeling. Her ride came and I was left alone.

I looked around and saw him he looks like he was headed where I was seated, and all of a sudden he changed his mind and went back inside. I felt a sudden rush of excitement and quickly faded away as soon as he turned his back. Finally after five more minutes my bus came.

Riding in the bus I didn't pay attention to the students surrounding me, my mind was pretty much preoccupied by Mr. Bingley's face. I should distract myself from looking at him from time to time. I had never felt such a rush of excitement when me and Julius were together.


The next day was a blur. Exams after exams, my brain is totally zoned out, plus I haven't seen Mr. Bingley yet-or should I say Marcus. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are our gym days, now I'm wishing it was everyday, as so all the other girls in my class I believe. It is the second week that we don't have english teacher. I wonder what happened to Ms. Swan. Last time we heard she's engaged. After laboratory exams, I needed a break, Jessica is absent today, she had a flu. Bridget on the meantime is nowhere to be found. We have different lab class and history. Walking towards the soccer field I wanted to stay on the grass. Man, it was quiet here, unlike the crowded cafeteria. Lucky for me there are no students on other classes for their gym to use this field. I bet they are all in the gym auditorium. I placed my sweater on the grass and lie down on my back with my arms behind my head, with my sunglasses on I put in my headphones and started listening to Upbeat trance music. After all, I have an hour to kill, thanks to Ms. Swan for giving me a breather.

It was gloomy outside so it's not that bad to lay down on the grass and relax. I was there for about twenty minutes now and since no calls or texts from Bridget I started to feel sleepy. As I was about to close my eyes a figure stood on top of my head. I can barely recognize who it was because of my dim sunglasses and the position I'm in he is upside down.

"Hey." cried the familiar voice. No way! No freaking way he is who I think he is?! I sat up all of a sudden making me dizzy. I removed my sunglasses and saw none other than Mr. Bingley! He's looking so hot on a plain white v necked shirt and track pants that hung just above the v line of his waist. With his running shoes on and ipod in hand I can tell he came for a run. Wait, what? I didn't see anybody doing laps around when I got here. Is he stalking me? You don't own the soccer field Stacy-cried my inner sense. Why would he approach me? Because he knew you-again my inner sense. Answering my own questions. Is he stalking me? - okay enough! Don't be so paranoid.

"Is it your free period Ms. Walsh?" Aahh! The angel spoke. I thought. It's funny since we are in school grounds we call each other by our surnames. Glancing at his tight muscles and biceps, I almost choke on my reply.."Yeah, Ms. Swan is not in today."

"Ms. Swan the English teacher?" This time he sat down on the grass next to me to keep the eye level. " I believe she resigned, not quite sure if she's coming back. Don't quote me on it." He stood up to do more stretches. Is he showing off? The more he stretched the more I can see his perfect abs. He blinked at me as soon as he lay down on the grass. My heart is racing...I cannot seem to process what is happening around me. Marcus, my sexy Gym teacher, having a conversation with me like we were close friends. Why do I feel very comfortable around him? It os an awkward sight to see, but we are alone. And I just realized this is what I wanted, to be near him.

I found myself asking. "Do you live near here? Because we see you only MWF, and it's only tuesday." I didn't mean to pry but my inner sense is curious.

He looked at me like I just asked a weird question. Oh no! Did I annoy him?
"I live on the condominium behind the school." He says proudly. I looked where he pointed and realized that the building was too posh. We believe only rich people can afford to stay there.

"Oh okay." I replied. He started getting up. "Do you have another class coming up?" He blurted as he was fixing his shoe laces. "Yup, actually I'm gonna head there now. I don't want to be late." He helped me get up from the grass as I handled all my stuff with one hand. A sudden jolt electricity came rushing through my skin. I don't know if he felt it too, because he looked surprised as he pulled away.

"See you tomorrow in class Ms. Walsh." I didn't respond because I was staring and my mind is out of this world. The things he does to me when he's around. Stacy-you're being delusional.

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