MD Vampire AU Part 1

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'We are human beings, sent from home planet earth to expand our reach across the galaxy decades ago, our parents and grandparents were to work the planet and prepare it for further colonisation under the higher ranks- however after a mysterious incident blew up the higher class on Copper 9, the workers were able to take the planet. Unfortunately the higher ups on Earth didn't like the idea of us living without their supervision- and sent a group of Vampires to cut us down, forcing our parents into bunkers'

The purple girl finished her report, sighing at her classmates with the last sentence. Everyone in here already knew this, but according to the teacher every student had to write about what they considered the most important event on copper 9, which was normally the arrival of the vampires, since they cost half the kids their parents.

Noticing Uzi had stopped, the teacher groaned, there were still 3 students left to go through, who undoubtedly how made their project on the same event.

Luckily (or unluckily) the fire alarm went off, and the class was forced to exit the school block. On the way out, a pale boy with blonde hair and a backwards cap grabbed Uzis bag.
"Uzi? You okay?" The boy asked, ignoring the snickering of his classmates. Uzi's eyes widened "How do you know my name Thad?-people willingly talk to you"

The boy snickered and placed rubbed the back of his head "My dad works for Mr Doorman".
Uzi groaned at the sound of her father's name, Khan may be perceived as a hero to the colony- but to Uzi he was a flimsy dad at best. All he did was build some stupid doors.
Noticing Uzi's expression, Thad backtracked "So are you okay? I noticed some cuts on your arm earlier"

Uzi flushed and pulled down her sleeves. She really didn't want to have this talk now- and with her random classmate. She was the weird emo kid, nobody liked or remembered her enough to care what she did to herself.

Shoving Thad away, Uzi strode forwards mumbling some excuse about construction class.
Thad didn't believe her, but heard Lizzy calling for him, and so let it go.

Meanwhile Uzi strode home angrily. She'd managed to avoid Lizzy throughout the day, but still found hundreds of notes in her bag from classmates. Each one calling her by a different insult, though the words 'freak' and 'ugly' were pretty frequent.

Adding them to her stack, Uzi flicked through all the pieces of paper she'd gathered. There were no notes from Thad.
Maybe I should have trusted him

Sighing, Uzi looked up into the corner of her bedroom, the camera Khan installed stared back at her. He had installed it shortly after he first found Uzi cutting herself, justifying it with concerns of her committing suicide. In fact the only place left in the house without a camera was the bathroom, since Khan and Uzi both needed somewhere to get changed.

Looking at the camera reminded her of the type of person her dad was- at least since her mum was killed.
He cared about his daughter, or at least she thought he did, but he had priorities above her. Uzi was basically an afterthought in Khans door oriented mind.

He'd hardly miss me

Uzi considered running to the bathroom as a familiar doom returned in her head, but Khan had been smart. The taps and shower were locked and only Khan knew the code, this meant that if Uzi hurt herself in there- he'd likely find the signs.
There was nowhere else in her apartment or rest of the colony that Uzi could release. There was security everywhere and she didn't have any friends to run too.

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