MD Vampire AU Part 3

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It had only been a few days since Uzi and N first met, but it was easily the best days of both their lives.

Uzi found that N was a bubbly person who enjoyed doing things to make her laugh. By the fourth day he'd brought Uzi a hoodie similar to one she mentioned wanting on the second- claiming just to have found it- not mentioning the 12 hour hunt all around the city he did. Most days she was in disbelief that such a great guy was wasting time with her, though she reminded herself that N was in love with someone else, she was just a friend.

N meanwhile discovered how intelligent Uzi was, knowing far more about space and the planets history than he did. Often he would ask Uzi to teach him things, partly out of keenness to learn, and partly just to listen to her voice. He didn't know why, but he could listen to Uzi go on for hours, constantly mesmerised by her.

About a week passed and the two were chatting on top of a building, Uzi was wearing the hoodie N found for her and some black jeans. N was still in his military uniform, but had given his hat to Uzi to wear for the night. It was sort of an inside joke that these two would trade hats every other day for fun.

The conversation ended up on family, and as usual Uzi complained about her father, though they had been doing better since N came into her life. N was still being abused by J, but had more motive to keep living thanks to Uzi.

"What about V? How's that going for you?" Uzi asked, teasing him, though she felt it sting at her heart as she did.
N blushed "I-I haven't done anything! Honestly I don't think I ever will" he stuttered.
Truth was he didn't think he loved V anymore, she was beautiful yes, but N had loved her for something else- something he couldn't quite remember.

Suddenly N felt a weight on him and looked down to his side. Uzi was leaning against his left arm while staring forward, he could see a little hint of blush appear on her cheeks, but she didn't move.

Smiling, N wrapped his arm around and pulled her slightly closer. At least that's what he tried to do, not fully understanding his own strength, N pulled Uzi right onto his lap. She grabbed his chest impulsively, shocked from the sudden movement. They both took a moment to realise what position they were in and blushed bright. Uzi released her hands from Ns chest and put them to her sides instead, though she didn't make a move to leave his lap.

A moment passed when N felt a familiar hunger, or two familiar hungers. His hunger for Uzi had only gotten more extreme as time went on, but he managed to mask it whenever they hung out, now with her so close...

N. No. Do not think like that. Stop.

For the hundredth time that week, N shoved away his urges. But the second hunger was stronger- fiercer. It had been a few days since he properly ate since J had been cutting down his rations as punishment for bad behaviour. He was hungry- not so starving he'd kill anyone, but hungry enough to stare at Uzi's neck, desperate.

Uzi had been quietly resting in Ns lap when she heard him panting, nervously she turned her head upwards and noticed his eyes had become slits.

Shit- SHIT

"N- Don't- I" Uzi stuttered, trying to reach for her bag of stakes (a precaution incase V or J turned up), but they were a few feet behind her. N only gripped her tighter at her squirms, turning her around to be facing him. Again Uzi felt herself blush, but she knew now wasn't the time.

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