100 Ns (Nuzi)

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N and Uzi wandered into the ruined warehouse clutching each other's hands. They had landed on Copper 6 unsure of what to suspect, all of Cyns old 'play areas' seemed to have been destroyed long ago, but they needed to make sure she didn't have any more infected drones hanging around.

"Let's just scan this place and leave, it gives me the creeps" Uzi mumbled, letting go of N's hand reluctantly and stumbling forward, the floor was uneven and cracked from age.

The murder drone nervously wandered behind, he wanted to grab Uzi's hand again, but she'd given him a speech the other day about 'corny' stuff. He found her logic a bit flawed since they literally held hands all the time & cuddled whenever they were alone but whatever made his 'buddy' happy he'd do.

We still haven't made it official yet- she always dodges the conversation.

After a few minutes N & Uzi reached a door titled 'N Units'. Both drones froze and looked at each other- what did 'N Units' mean? N was noticeably shaking at the sign, so Uzi relented her cool persona and gripped his hand, mumbling a speedy 'It's okay' under her breath.

Still nervous, but motivated by his technically-not girlfriend, N pushed the door open.

Neither N nor Uzi were prepared for what they saw next. Rows upon rows of identical offline Ns stood propped up in a hall, some looked shiny- like they'd just been made- and some looked rusty, like they'd stood still for too long.

Uzi gasped, and tried to loosen her grip on N's hand to investigate, but he held hers tighter while looking down- eyes completely hollow. "Uzi...please..." N begged, clearly disturbed by the sight of hundreds of himself. Uzi sighed and hugged N loosely around the waist, she was honestly spooked as well, but imagined it would be much worse for N.

"I...I know this is weird N, but this is exactly why we left Copper 9- to see what else Cyn was up to- you can make the call about what we do with them okay?" Uzi offered, looking up hopefully, however N's eyes were completely hollow as he gazed down at her.

N took a deep breath and turned away from Uzi, lightly nudging her off him and slowly walking away.
As he left he slammed the door again- shaking the walls- and making Uzi's heart sink.

When N used his strength like that, it was usually due to some serious emotions, but normally he talked that through with her- why was he being closed off now?

Actually...he's been weird ever since...

Ever since the kiss.

Uzi sighed at the memory, a few weeks ago she had kissed N impulsively, and he clearly enjoyed it- but Uzi herself panicked, making N pull away. Uzi hated the memory- of how it went downhill all because of her abandonment issues.

'I- I'm sorry Uzi- since you kissed first I assumed you wanted it!'

'BITE ME! This is stupid! We're not even dating- DON'T TELL ANYONE!"

'We're...we're not...dating...?'

'No- I- I don't think so- SHUT UP!'

Uzi groaned and slammed her head into a nearby wall, god damn it she handled that terribly, she remembered how upset N seemed- that probably was doing more damage than seeing his clones in person. Though that obviously was creepy as well.

Sighing, Uzi decided she would check if any of the N's were online or carrying important info- that would give her N some time alone- then she could go get him.

Murder Drones Oneshots (mostly Nuzi)Where stories live. Discover now