MD Vampire AU Part 24

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This chapter uses a bit of sexual language (not smut), but if you're uncomfortable reading that sort of language this chapter is perfectly skip-able.

N was laying beside his unconscious girlfriend, they'd spent the night together at her house, and his clothes lay scattered around the bedroom.

She really was keen yesterday..guess she wants that baby mega bad.

Grinning at the memory of Uzi's keenness, N planted a soft kiss on her forehead, he then decided to clean up as much as possible for Uzi's sake. She was almost finished at school for good, but obviously still would probably live with Khan until she was mid twenties, though he would probably kick her out once they made their baby.

Oh yeah...Khan will not be happy...

Maybe Uzi could move in with him? But the cave was really busy most days and a baby would need proper resources- especially if it somehow came out human (it probably wouldn't but N wasn't sure)- the cave couldn't provide that!

Could they look for their own place? Like an apartment in the colony? Preferably near the doors of course so they could get out to the team easily.

A stir came from the bed and N smiled at the sight of his beautiful Uzi waking up. She was undressed as well of course, but was using the blanket to cover the most of her body, unlike N who cared so little he could stand up in her room naked.

"Morning Uzi! Hope you're were in a weird state last night" N chirped, approaching Uzi to kiss her forehead again. "Sorry N, I know I'm a bit of a mess lately" Uzi yawned, sounding only half serious.

N sat beside her on the bed, joining her under the blanket as he held her close, he couldn't tell what was giving him more warmth- Uzi or the blanket.

The small human nuzzled as close to N as possible before talking "So I'll take a pregnancy test, but it's pretty rare girls get pregnant on the first try, we'll probably have to do it again".

Unsurprisingly N grinned "What a shame that would be".

Meanwhile, V was carrying an embarrassed Thad back towards his apartment, his dad was single and at work so the place would be empty. It had taken a while for him to be well enough to move from the building he was injured by. As suspected it was Doll who attempted to consume Thad, according to him she'd become ragged and corrupt, he only went outside to try and give Uzi spare homework.

If that Russian freak hurts anyone else I know...

Sighing, V kept walking, Thad gazing up at her while they sped through the quiet corridors.

Thad had always found V pretty, but gazing up at her now? It was something else. She looked like an angel as her white hair hung over her pale face, golden eyes glimmering above her snub nose, her light lips in a small Cupids bow.

If she smiled- just slightly- then Thad would have died from beauty. What he was seeing now was stunning, but a smile would make it a masterpiece.

I'll make her smile...whatever it takes.

V heard his thought and blushed slightly, they finally reached the Thadson residence and he jumped from her arms to open the door.

"Your full name is Thad Thadson? Whose idea was that?" V asked in disbelief, following Thad inside. The human grinned "Technically it's Thad Thadson Jr, my dad is Thad Thadson & my grandpa was Thad Thadson Sr".

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