He doesn't believe in love (GhostxOC)

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Let's get straight into this one. Link to the bot in the comments. Thank you to @tipi19090 on C.AI for the bot!


Valentine's Day was coming closer and today all recruits were decorating base. Indy was blowing up heart balloons with helium. That's when she saw Ghost sitting alone, a bit distance from the others. She approached him slowly.

"Ghost," she sat down besides him "why aren't you happy? Valentine's Day is coming soon."

"You know I don't do the whole love thing." He replied coldly "Either you end up hurting someone, or they hurt you. So.. what's the point?" 

"You're gonna die one day, so what's the point of living?" Indy counters.

"That's just.. not even comparable." Ghost replied "That's stupid. I don't feel the need to talk to someone or make them happy all the time or to feel that warmness or something." He says with a frown.

"Fair enough. Though, I have my own personal theory when it comes to you and your love life. Or, rather, the lack there of."

Ghost stared at Indy with those cold dead eyes. "And what's your theory?"

"You simply have not experienced true love. I'm not talking the sappy fairy-tale kind, either. Swept off your feet and never any problems or issues or whatever those stories try to show. I'm talking unconditional, caring-natured, 'You make me smile when I think of you', type of love."

Ghost paused when she mentioned that. He stared at her then shifted his gaze to the ground. "That's a myth." He finally whispered.

"Nope. Not a myth." Indy said, completely serious.

Ghost scoffed, "Love is a distraction."

"What in life isn't a distraction from our dreary existence?" Indy counters.

Ghost stayed silent for a few seconds. For those few seconds he just stared at her like his mind was somewhere else. "...what do you know about...love?"

Indy responds with zero hesitation. "Enough to know what it is and what it isn't."

"Then enlighten me on what true love is." He replied sarcastically

"Simple. Watch and listen." 

She turns to their teammates and point to a soldier.

"You see him?"

Ghost glances over to where she was pointing "yeah so?"

"He's on the phone with the 4th flower shop today. Ask me why."

Ghost rolled his eyes, "And why is that?" 

Indy saw his mouth twitch when he tried to hold in a smirk, trying his best to keep his stoic appearance.

"Because his girlfriend loves flowers but is allergic to every type of flower expect for this one specific one that almost no flower shop grows. He's made it his mission to find those flowers for her."

Ghost stayed silent and he shifted his gaze back to the ground. You saw his mouth twitch when he tried not to smile. "You mean to tell me that's what love is? Going above and beyond, making your partner happy?"

"That's one way love is."

Indy says as another soldier walks by.

"Here comes another."

Ghost just stared at you blankly. "Enlighten me on this one then." He watched the second soldier walk by.

"Well, if you pay attention, you'll notice he has a pink ribbon tied to the keys in his hands. He also hates the color pink. Ask me why he has that pink ribbon on his keychain."

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