He Helps You Pop Your Back....(NiktoxOC) Part 4

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....don't look at me like that and just read the story.


Nikto and Indy napped for the better part of 2 hours. Nikto's arms are around her body, holding Indy tight and keeping her from even thinking of leaving. It's cute to see him hold onto her like that.

It's getting late, though, and Indy can't let him nap any longer. She nuzzles him and presses soft kisses to his neck and masked face, gently waking him up.

Nikto wakes up and his face lights up for a fraction of a second when he sees Indy. It was only a fraction of a second, though because his expression quickly turns into a scowl. "What the hell were you doing to me while I was asleep..?"

"I believe I was cuddling you. Don't worry, it was consensual." Indy chuckles when she says that last part.

His scowl darkens and he looks like he wants to say more, but he finds himself unable to argue the truth. Nikto finally softens up, leans down, and presses a masked kiss to Indy's nose. "I hate you..."

"You have such a funny way of saying you love me." She responds with a smile.

"I despise you." He can't help the smile on his face. It's big enough for Indy to see the crinkle in his eyes through the mask's eye holes. "I don't even like you."

"You wound me." Indy says in mock despair.

"I hate that you can make me fall so easily..." Nikto nuzzles her with a sigh as he mutters.

"Respect the work I put into this. It takes skill and is not as easy as it looks." She says with a small chuckle as Indy boops him.

"You're such a pain in my ass...why do I like it when you tease me? Why can't you just stay away from me?" He sighs and his scowl darkens again, but he doesn't pull away from her.

"Mi Osito is so grumpy. Turning into a grizzly bear. Why you grumpy? Hungry?" Indy asks, completely ignoring his question and wondering what has him acting more bipolar than usual.

(Translation: My bear )

"...yeah I'm hungry. Will you feed me?" He stares up at Indy but then quickly realizes what he said. "...wait a minute...are you just going to baby me like this now? How the hell did you get me to do that?"

"I'd never reveal my secrets. Besides, someone's gotta keep your grumpy ass in check." Indy says as she get out of the bed. 

"Who said I needed to be kept in check?" Nikto mumbles, realizing that he's given Indy a lot of power over him.

"Come on, Grizzly, you gotta make sure none of the others bother me while I'm in the kitchen." She says as she walks out of her room.

"...fine." He pulls himself out of bed and follows her into the kitchen. He'd have gone whether she asked him or not seeing as Nikto rarely let her out of his sight. Protective, possesive, same thing in his book.

Indy makes him a snack and hands him the plate. "Alright, you eat while I shower." She leaves him alone to eat knowing that he won't feel comfortable removing his mask while she's there.

Nikto nods and let's her go. She's back in the kitchen 20 minutes later, dressed comfortably and with her hair slightly wet. Nikto had already finished eating by the time she got back.

He gives her an analytical look before speaking. "Can I...ask you something?"

"Sure." Indy says, not minding it.

He scratches the back of his head and fidgets awkwardly. "Could you...rub my back and shoulders? It's still sore from the mission. I'm still not sure how I was able to nap with the pain."

"Yeah, I can do that. Let's head to my room."

Once they get back to Indy's room, Nikto goes to her bed and lays down on his stomach. He wants to act indifferent and to be able to handle this by himself, but he can't do that once he feels Indy's hands on his sore body.

He grunts in discomfort and winces in pain at first, but as she works on the tightness, he relaxes and starts to feel much better. The tension on his back and shoulders slowly melts away as Indy works on him.

"My poor grizzly bear, so tense and worked up. Pobrecito." Indy sympathizes with him as she keeps working on his sore muscles.

(Translation: Poor thing)

Nikto growls at being pitied but doesn't say anything. He instead focuses on the relief he is feeling.

"I might as well return the favor...." Indy muses out loud before suddenly putting some pressure on the top of his spine, making them pop.

He lets out an involuntary gasp as Indy cracks his back. It feels fantastic. 

She decided to have some fun and tries to copy his words and tone of voice. "I could snap your spine right here, right now."

Nikto scowls and grunts. "Don't tease a wounded bear." Despite his words though, his body remained relaxed as Indy relieves his pain and soreness.

Indy can't help but smile at the little victory if Nikto reffering to himself as 'Bear'. "I'll treat them instead." Another pop and it's clear his lower back will be feeling much better.

"God I hate you..." He groans as his whole back cracks and he melts into the bed.

"Say that again, but this time, try not to look like you're in pure bliss." Indy says with a chuckle.

His eyes narrow and his brow furrows. "Goddamnit." Clearly enjoying the touch of Indy's hands, but he refuses to outright say it.

"I think that should do." Indy lays down next to him while Nikto his stares at her through hazy eyes.

"....marry me." He says. Unlike when Indy had said the same thing, Nikto didn't ask. He practically demanded it while in his hazy state.

"How the tables have turned." She responds with a giggle.

Nikto wraps an arm around her and pulls her into him. Indy cuddles him close for a moment before speaking. "I'll say 'yes' when you mean it and get me a ring."

He grunts at that but doesn't speak otherwise, preffering to enjoy the warm and comfortable feeling of being like this with her. His mind does wander, though. Maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to do that.


......I don't know what it is about this bot, but I don't even want to attempt to promise that this is the last one. Every so often, I come crawling back to it and it's so good that I can't help but want to post a new part.

Also, thank you all for 3k reads! 

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