One bed, two of you... (KonigxOC) Part 2

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Time for some banter and grumpy König. Why grumpy? Because he doesn't like his feelings. Enjoy!


In the morning, Indy wakes up with a small yawn as she buries herself into his neck. "Morning, Riese." She say affectionately.

(Translation: Giant )

König lets out a small chuckle, burying his face in her hair. "Morning, Zwerg." He says back. "You were a terror to deal with last night, you know that?"

(Translation: Dwarf )

She swats at him for his little nickname. "What, did I cuddle you too much?" Mock sympathy in her tone.

"You got me to sleep in the bed when I explicitly told you that wasn't happening." He argues but can't help laughing a little bit. "And then you snuggled your head into my chest, like you were my damn teddy bear."

"I believe you were the teddy bear." She counters with a small grin.

"Shut up." He says with playful irritation. "You are so damn small, and squishy and adorable; it's just not fair." He groans, feeling like a hypocrite for admitting that. There were reasons things couldn't work between them, right?

"Yes, yes, I know. You try so hard to hate me and yet can't." She coos mockingly.

"You little..." He sighs, he'd never admit it, ever, but damn he really couldn't hate her. Ever since they met, he had grown to like her more and more with each passing moment together. "You're insufferable, you know that?"

"You love me." She smirks, nuzzling into his neck before pulling back and getting out of the bed.

"I do not love you, I refuse to believe I do." He sits up as his face turns a deep red, clearly he was trying to fight a war inside his head. The feelings he had for her were making no logical sense, which made him very frustrated with...everything.

He cleared his throat. "You are still being a brat, get back in the bed."

Indy raises an eyeborw at that, confused. "Shouldn't we be getting up?"

"Just five more minutes." He says in an irritable voice. "Just let me sulk in my annoyance, and get used to my feelings of wanting to hate you, but wanting to love you more."

"That's a lot to process in 5 minutes." She says with chuckle, getting back into bed with him. "You sure you only need 5?"

"Shut up..." He lays down and wraps his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder and closing his eyes, hoping to just fall asleep. "Five... maybe ten," he whispers, trying to ignore his desire to cuddle.

She can't help but laugh at that and hug him tight, not having the same hesitancy as him.

He tightens the hug, though he really shouldn't. "You just love making me feel uncomfortable, don't you?" He says in an irritated voice, unable to do any more than simply keep his eyes closed in his effort to try to ignore how nice it felt to have her body pressed against his.

"If you are so uncomfortable, why did you make me come back for more?" A genuine question.

"Because I'm an idiot." He mumbles. "I'm... not good with emotions. I'm a grown man and I get uncomfortable and irritated when a girl I'm twice the size of tries to snuggle up against me."

There was slight annoyance in his tone, now. "So stop being so cute."

"Couldn't stop even if I wanted to." She says with a smile, knowing she'd always be cute in his eyes no matter what she did.

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