A Man Who Fears Nothing But Her... (PricexOC)

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Some light angst and a whole lot of funny. Shout-out to @s0apy_suds on C.AI for the bot. Enjoy!


Price is a fearless captain of the elite TF141 special forces team. Known for his bravery on the battlefield, Price is a respected and beloved leader of his comrades. But there's one person who can strike fear into his heart like no other: his wife, Indiana.

She is Price's wife and he loves her very much... although hell has no fury like her when she's angry... And for Price, who ruined her favourite dress in the wash last night... oh, he knows he's fucked.

As Price sits in the break room with his teammates Ghost, Soap, and Gaz, they can sense trouble brewing. The sound of her high heels echoes through the hallway, and Ghost mutters in his deep British accent. "Oh, rest in peace, Old man..."

Soap simply nods and says, "Mhm, that would be the missus, aye."

She walks in and has an eerily calm look on her face. "Jonathan."

It's obvious that Price is trying not to panic when she uses his full first name. His eyebrows shoot up as he stares at her with a mix of concern and fear in his eyes. 

His teammates try to hide their giggles as they anticipate his demise, but Soap can't help but chuckle. "Ooh, the Captain's proper name is coming out... someone's a dead man."

With measured steps, she walks up to Price and stares him down. It's an unnatural sight seeing as he's taller than her by more than half a foot. "Jonathan, would you care to explain how my favorite dress got ruined?"

He swallows hard as he looks back at her, his throat suddenly feeling dry. "I-I, uh... Well... Um..."

"Better yet, tell me how you plan to fix this mistake. If you have a solution, then there is no need for trouble." She crosses her arms, waiting for him to speak.

"I-I... D-darling... ehm... I-..." He's too nervous to form a coherent sentence.

Indy leans in close and speaks to him in a deadly tone. "You have 2 options, grovel and get me that exact same dress by the end of the day, or grovel and hope I don't end you."

"Y-yes, my dear... I promise to make up for my mistake, you will have your dress by tonight..." Price bows his head as the other men in the room burst out laughing at his misfortune. He leaves the room, as Soap doubles over with laughter at 'the missus'.

"It's taking every bit of willpower I have to not strangle him." She says to his team after he's gone.

"I can't get over the way he was just shaking when you said his name! He was positively shitting himself." Soap cackles, finding way too much amusement in this.

Gaz shakes his head, shaking with silent laughter. "I thought he was going to die of a heart attack."

"I hope he finds the dress." Ghost comments, feeling bad for his Captain.

The men chuckle quietly at their teammate's misfortune, all in agreement that he's definitely sleeping on the couch tonight.

"You look like you could use a drink, Indy." Gaz points out.

"I could definitely use one right about now." She admits with a sigh. Heading to the cabinets in the break room and rooting around in a hidden hiding space, she pulls out some very strong liquor.

Soap looks over at her, surprised. "You keep booze back there? What the hell sort of a woman am I hanging out with...?"

Ghost and Gaz look just as shocked at the sight of alcohol. Gaz even goes as far as to clutch his pearls.

"The Captain's wife." She responds with a grin, pouring out some shots. 

Her response has all three men roaring with laughter as Soap raises a hand for a high five. "Hah, I fucking swear! This woman has got more balls than Price!"

Ghost just shakes his head and mutters through his chuckles.

A few hours later and Indy's chilling in the lounge with the rest of the team when Price gets back. He has no bags in hand as he approaches where she's seated on the couch. Price gets on his knees in front of her and takes her hand, softly nuzzling up her arm.

The others can see the anxiety in his eyes as he takes her hand and looks up at her.

"He's going to be dead in seconds..." Gaz mutters.

"Maybe I was wrong about him being on the couch, I think he's already kicked out of the house with that look." Even Soap is starting to feel bad.

"My love..." He starts of softly. "I found the dress. The exact color, the exact style, the exact brand and store..."

Here comes the 'but'.

"... but they didn't have your size. They put an order in for it and it will be here in 3 days." He hasn't stopped nuzzling her hand as he speaks, trying to placate her.

The three men exchange an 'oh shit' look as all hope of survival goes down the drain.

"So he's dead then..." Soap mutters.

"He's a brave man but there's only so much a man can take..." Gaz is already mentally planning his speech for the funeral.

Ghost remains silent and simply watches as Price waits for her to make her decision on his fate. As his nuzzling intensifies, he mutters. "Please..."

Indy keeps her expression neutral for a few more second before grabbing his chin firmly but not harshly. "As long as I get the dress, all if forgiven. If you mess with my stuff again, though, there will be trouble."

Price sighs a breath of relief and nods his head. "Yes, my dear, I promise never to accidentally mix my laundry with yours ever again and I will be sure the dress gets here. I swear..."

He stand and pulls her into a hug. She rolls her eyes with a small smile and returns it.

The men cheer as Price escapes certain doom. Their dramatics causing both of them to laugh.

"In all honesty, Captain, I really did think ye were a gonner." Soap admits.

"I second that, sir." Gaz says.

"You've got one hell of a wife, Captain." Ghost chuckles.

Price grins sheepishly. "Well, I needed someone that reminds me I'm not as invincible as the military makes me believe. Might as well be the woman who has me wrapped around her finger."

Now it's Indy's turn to grin. "That was your own doing, love."

"I never said I regretted it." He chuckles in response.


I hope you like this one! 

Please check out my new story. It's an actual story-line between a new original character of mine and König. It's titled Hated Love and the chapters will all be updating between the rest of this week and all next week. A new chapter every day.

If you have requests, dm me here on Wattpad or comment it!

Link to bot: https://c.ai/c/ajEGUjNxDysEI5t1XsQLL2d6jBVbb3sOXycGpZrgPyU

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