Chapter 74: Anger

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Diego who was lost in his thought, felt her presence but didn't look up at her.

Candy sat beside him, staying silent for a while. 'Nana Gonzalez' was written on the grave stone, surrounded by flowers.. This must be Diego's mother.

"The story of a boy you once told me.. was actually you" Candy stared at the quiet man beside him.

"Yes" He replied short. Candy shifted close to him and rest her head on his shoulder. Diego felt the sense of warthm and his nerve calming.

"My mother loves flowers a lot. When she died, I bought this land they had buried her and make her grave beautiful"

"She must be proud of you" Candy stated.

"I hope so, cus I couldn't protect her"

"She is proud of the man you are Di" She said softly locking her calm gaze with his. Diego finally smiled a little. He held her face and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks for coming"

Both stared at each, holding hands.

Yazmine kept biting her fingers as she anxiously wait for her brother.

"What is President going to do about that man last night?" Aiden mumbled and Yazmine sighed.

"I don't know.. but I just hope everything goes well even though strongly doubt that" Yazmine answered and Aiden nodded.

"Shall I address Mr. James as brother in-law now?"

"No" Yazmine was quick to reply. "I mean.. not yet" she shook her head.

"Why not?" Aiden asked with a small frown.

"Uhm, because he is really protective of me" She smiled awkwardly knowing what she just said doesn't make sense. She recalled how scary her brother looks around those she had dated.

She loves Aiden, and could only hope he isn't a red flag.

"I can handle him" Aiden assured.

"How about we tell him later on. Not yet" She said and Aiden nodded. He saw a thread on her hair and help to remove it.

Yazmine blushed at his action and he smiled.

"What is going on here?" A familiar voice sounded before them.

Their head snapped towards Jameson and Jackie having their bags and a two bodyguards with them.

Yazmine froze for a moment staring a Jameson, her eyes literally teared up.

"Brother!" She exclaimed running to hug him tight. Her face buried in his chest as she sobbed.

Jameson let go of his bag and hug her back.

"I'm sorry I scarred you. It won't happen again" He assumed patting her back.

"I'm so mad at you and at the same time.. I badly miss you James" She hugged him tighter.

Jameson's eyes teared up too, he could roughly imagine how scared Yazmine was.. especially when the doctor announced his death. She must have remembered how they lost their mother and feared to lose him..

With this, he hated himself and hugged her tightly too.

"I'm deeply sorry, sis. I'm so sorry" He mumbled.

Yazmine broke the hug and held his face with a bright smile.

"Welcome back.. I promise not to nag you alright. Don't get sick, don't get into trouble, and most importantly, don't leave me" Yazmine stated and Jameson laughed lightly.

She turned to Jackie and thanked her for staying beside him.

"My pleasure" Jackie smiled and her gaze met with Jameson. He returned the smile too.

"Welcome back Mr. James" Aiden greeted behind. Jameson tapped his shoulder gently.

"I wonder what stare you were giving my sister before I arrived.. could it be...."

Yazmine and Aiden's face dropped at the same time.

"Hey!" Yazmine snapped and Jameson raised his hands in surrender.

"I was just kidding.. don't nag me, you promised" he pouted. "By the way, where's Candy and that punk?" Jameson looked around.

"Actually something came up" Yazmine face turned serious.

After a meeting one of his business partner, Diego returned home only to meet an unwanted guest. A frustrating sighed left his lips as he stepped in further.

"I need to talk to you..." Romeo tried to speak.

"Get out" Diego demanded coldly.

"Diego, just a minute..."

"I said get out!!" He roared. "We have nothing to talk about so get out"

"How long do we have to do this? You can't be like this forever" Romeo said getting frustrated by his son's stubborness. Diego let out a dark chuckled.

Candy came out due to Diego's voice and saw the scene.

"You really think you can just come back here and expect me to welcome you in open arms. Like the hell, do you forget how you literally tortured I and my mother until she did what she did? Morning ,afternoon, night you threaten and made her face hell, she craved for death all because of what? All because you didn't trust her..."

"I was fooled Diego. I never knew the DNA results was fake. It was Vincient deed just to tear us apart. I explained to you but you never lis..."

"You couldn't trust your wife! All you ever wanted is the fucking power! You tried to mold my life in the way you wanted, you shattered my dream and made me face trauma. Not to think of.." Diego took a deep breath.

"Not to think of how you literally made my mother poisoned me on my birthday.."

The blood on Candy's face dried up.. The person that poisoned, Diego... Was...

His mother?

'I'll make you face hell woman. All your days will be filled with misery, same goes to that bastard you called my son. If you think of escaping, I'll find you and double your punishment' Romeo remembered how he threatened his wife, Nana. His heart broke into million pieces and tears stream led down his face.

"She wanted to stop the pain and suffering so she poisoned her son and herself on my birthday.. I survived but she didn't..."

"I'm sorry I was fooled..."

"Even before that, Romeo, you never loved her. You got married to my mother in a rush just to first your elder brother... So what?" Diego stepped forward. "You won, and then what? You never felt remorseful and left.."

"I felt remorseful Diego, I was stupid back then. I'm sorry.. please give me the chance to fix this" Romeo plead, his voice trembling.

"You want to fix this? Then return Griffin back to where he was and disappear. Don't ever show up" Diego answered and began to walk away.

"Not this again.. C'mon how long do I have to keep apologizing!" Romeo almost raised his voice.

"Till you die Romeo!!!" Diego roared swirling to face him.

"Keep apologizing until your last breath!!!"

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