Chapter 90: Explosion

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He found himself cornered with no way up or down. The building stood near a river; perhaps he could find an opening to escape that way...

A door smashed open and huge guy stepped out, fucking huge. They are known to be the beast of the clan. Mostly dumb and chained. He must have been released when the alarm sounded.

His eyes moved towards Diego and he grunt, killer instinct flashing in his gaze.

"You've got to be kidding me" Diego muttered. He pulled out a gun and a knife. "Let's get this over with"

"Die!" The huge man roared and approached Diego. Diego did the same dodging his arm that flew towards his face, whilst slashing one his leg.

With swift movement, Diego climbed to his neck and shot his vertical. He jumped down, after killing the man in ten seconds.

Another bomb sounded, the ground beneath Diego tremble and cracked open but he was fast enough to hold the ground above him.

He gaze move beneath. People were burning alive. He even saw Dona... He looked up and try bringing himself up again but the ground he was holding cracked.

For a moment Diego gaze landed on the lucky bracelet Candy had given him. 'Wife' he thought..

The ground cracked again and his hand slipped...

The second explosion also affected the route Jameson and Phoenix was meant to pass.

"Fuck!" Jameson cursed under his breath.

"Let's go back, James" Phoenix said weakly, trying hard to keep her eyes open.

"There must be a secret passage that leads outside from here" Phoenix said as Jameson head back. His eyes began to search the room.

However, Einstein and Aiden was out already. The extremely large building was destroying bit by bit and most part were the escape route.

Jameson was below, while Diego was above. Only a few from the clan managed to escape with Diego's men.

"Let's find a way to help Jameson out first" Einstein said. "Search the arena. Watch out for the bombs"

"Yes, sir!" Diego's men chorused behind spreading out.

Einstein shifted his gaze to Aiden, he was busy checking the scans of the building. "You found something?"

"I got it. Mr. James is around this area" Aiden said pointing towards his screen.

'Pretty good with tech' Einstein thought and bought out his weapon. They ran towards the area and found a door with code.

"Six numbers?" Aiden muttered.

"Use the bomb code" Einstein said and Aiden immediately didn't that. The door immediately creaked open revealing a small passage.

Jameson groaned hitting the door handle he found with an hammer.

Another bomb exploded, shaking the place.

"This place is going to collapse soon" Phoenix mumbled trying to force herself up to help but her weak leg betrayed her.

Determination burned in Jameson's face as he tried harder with the door. After several hit, it opened. Relief washed over Jameson face, he immediately went to help Phoenix up and take the small passage.

It was a bit confusing with many confusing route.

"Jameson, are you there?!" Einstein's voice sounded Jameson breath out in relief.

"Over here!" Jameson exclaimed. Soon they found each other, Phoenix passed out. She was weak as hell. The medical team that came from Aiden rushed to take her.

Jameson looked around. "Where's Diego?" He asked worriedly.

"He's still inside. It's hard for him since he's above" Einstein said.

"Well how did you find me? We can find him the same way" Jameson said.

"I'm on it" Aiden said focusing on his system. For a moment Jameson clinched his jaw.

"He helped to find you" Einstein whispered to Jameson ear.

"Ion fucking care" Jameson mumbled.

"I know you're mad at him but he was only doing his job. Stop overreacting" Einstein said.

"Here" Aiden got their attention back. They both walked to check he found.

"He's still high. The enemies must have destroy the path of finding his way back down. He can't go to the rooftop to be rescued by the helicopter too" Aiden said.

Jameson hissed in frustration. He had tried calling Diego through the earphone but no response.

"There's should be a way out. He can't be fucking trap in there!" Jameson yelled.

Another bomb sounded and Jameson's head snapped towards the building. Oh no!

"We can try this path" Aiden said pointed. "I don't think it's safe.. the last bomb will destroy the place in a seco.."

Before Aiden could finish, Jameson grab up his gun and began to run towards the building which is almost destroyed completely.

Einstein also took his weapon and ran towards the building with Jameson. There's no fucking way they are giving up on Diego. Aiden chest heaves up and down in panic.

This completely dangerous!

"Hold on!" He yelled. He also took his weapon and ran towards the building too.

However, just as they were nearing the building, the final bomb detonated. Time seemed to slow as the blast hurled the trio into the air, throwing them several feet away.

They landed to the floor rolling several times on. Their body got several wounds from it.

Jameson coughed out blood, he was badly hurt, he even broke an arm since he was closer. His head slowly goes back to the building and he gasped.

"No" His hoarse voice sounded. "No!" He screamed trying crawl. The building was completely destroy, with fire all around it.

Einstein hit his fist onto the floor several times, screaming in frustration. Aiden began to cry pulling a fistful of his hair.

Even with the pain, Jameson stood and slowly began to walk towards building. It's a dream right? Diego is still in there? Why is it destroyed and burning?

His brother... Is... Still... In... There.

"Brother.. why aren't you coming out?" Jameson voice dripped with pain and shock. His sight blurry from the ball of tears rolling down his face.

Strange several vans appeared. It was the military. There was many of them.. they all got down and ran towards the three.

Jameson went on his knee. His expression seems like a man that had lost his whole world, his chest heaving slowly. He badly wish Diego could just walk out.. but it didn't happen.

"Diego" He muttered, his heart clenching with so much pain.

A hand suddenly held his shoulder pinning him down to the floor. They began to handcuff him some with Einstein and Aiden.

"Let go off me!!" Jameson yelled. "I need to go rescue him!! Get off me assholes!!" He yelled insanely as they dragged him up.


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