A year later.

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I went into severe depression. Lost all of my friends, and family, staying in my room for the majority of summer, crying so much that I didn't know if I could cry anymore. I decided that I should get out of the house. I wiped my tears, grabbed the car keys, and took off.

It was quiet. Waves hitting the sand. The sun shining on the beautiful beach. I began to hear laughing.
I looked over and saw a gorgeous blonde in her hot pink bikini. She was walking with a boy. They look so happy, I thought. Where'd my happiness go? Oh yeah, I remember. As they neared, I realized who it was. Fuck. Jack. He planted a tender kiss on her cheek, and she smiled, shoving him playfully. My heart felt as if it left my chest for a second there.
They ran into the water, splashing and laughing. I got up to leave, and took one last look at happiness. Lord knows that mine has disappeared.
He was staring at me. Why? The color drained from his face, and sympathy filled his eyes. Then he went back to her, as if he'd never even known me. As if I hadn't meant anything, like I'd never existed. A complete and total stranger.
I officially walked away. Tears dripping from my eyes.

As I got in my car, and sat crying. I noticed someone had appeared at my window. I rolled it down.

"You okay?" The voice asked. "Long time, no see."

"Jack, what do you want?"

"To say I'm sorry." He paused, playing with his thumbs. He bit his lip. "Sam. Uhh-he told me, what happened." He looked down. "I'm sorry. So sorry." His eyes filled with guilt.

"Took you long enough. I tried to tell you, Jack. I did. You didn't listen." A tear rolled down my cheeks. He wiped it away.

"Jessah?" He questioned.

"Yes, Jack?" I closed my eyes, trying to trap my tears in my eyes. It didn't work.

"I'm sorry. So sorry. I still-oh never mind." He Muttered.

"Who is she?" I started picking at my finger nails. I don't know why I asked this question, I knew I'd regret it.

"Her? Oh, uhh. Her name is Emilee." He looked into my eyes. "A year strong." He laughed nervously.

"Moved on quickly, I see." I could see the regret in his eyes.

"Not really. I still think about you. everyday. She's not you." He confessed.

"Well, I guess it's a little late for that." I started the car.

"JESS. Stop." He paused.

He grabbed my face, and kissed me. And we held each other, and talked until 2 in the morning. His eyes sparkling in the moonlight. White teeth glowing brightly. We talked about all the memories that we had shared.

"Remember that time when we went to that trampoline park? And we had so much fun. Eating Pizza until we were sick of it. Drinking Mountain Dew until you were so hyped, that you literally bounced off the walls, and we felt like we were gonna explode. Me holding you in my arms." He daydreamed.

"Yeah, I remember. How could I forget? Probably one of our best memories ever." I laughed. "God, I miss it. I miss you." I said, regretting it as soon as it escaped my mouth.

"I miss you too, Jessah. But..." He looked down.

"But you have her...Do you lo-love her...like you loved me?" I said abruptly. He got quiet, which only made me worry more.

"Honestly? No. Not even close...Yeah, she makes me happy. And yes, I love her. But I'm not in love with her. There's a difference. What we had can't be replaced. The twinkle in your eye, she doesn't have." He kissed the corner of my eye. "She isn't weird like you are, which I love about you." He kissed my nose. "She doesn't make my stomach flutter, and my heart skip a beat just when she smiles." He kissed me on the forehead. "She doesn't make me want to wrap her in my arms and never let go." He kissed my cheek. "She doesn't make me want to kiss every inch of her body." He kissed my lips. When he pulled away, he whispered something in my ear. "Jessah, you do. She doesn't even get close to comparing to you. Jessah Nicole Arielli, I'm in love with you."

***;)comments?*** I feel really good about this book. Let me know what you think.❤️

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