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They were still not back by the time sun was setting so you decided to make something for them to eat when they got back . Knowing they would probably would be hungry when they finally got back. Carl who had come in from a friends house sat in the kitchen with you feeding Judith while you work on getting the food together.

" Do you know how to cook a lot of stuff ?" he asked you nodded "my mom made sure when I was younger that I was in the kitchen with her while she cook so I could see how it was done and so I would know how to do it when I got older " you told him.

" I will admit though I didn't think I would ever have the chance to cook again after everything that happen" you said . He nodded "Do you want me to teach you how to cook ? " you asked he looked up . "Really ?" he asked you nodded "sure you need to learn too " you replied he grinned

Suddenly the front door open and shut and you heart two set of footstep walking towards the kitchen . "What smells so good in here ?" Rick walked though the door followed by Daryl and you ducked your head to pretend to check on the casserole in the oven

"it's Dinner dad "Carl said stating the obvious you looked up and met Rick's gaze he was smiling a little "I can see that " he replied turning to his son taking Judith from him and giving her a kiss on the cheek. You took a sip of your water to clear your dry throat all of the sudden

" I though you guys would hungry when you got back so I though I would fix something to eat for you " you replied. "Thank you "Rick said walking over to stand next to you ..

"What did you fix .. it smell really good. You pulse quicken and you literally had to concentrated on what you had to say because he was so close ..why did he have to stand so close . you shifted a step back a little and hope he didn't noticed.

"it a casserole one my mother use to make all the time " you replied. " well I am sure that it going to be delicious " he said and you smiled. "Well you two go and relax it will be ready here shortly and then you can eat" you said.

" I am going go ahead and put Judith to bed she has eaten ? he asked you nodded " ok " once everyone left the kitchen you let out a deep breath ..you were doing alright you were not acting like a total fool around him so maybe there was hope.

About 30 minutes later the food was ready you set it out on the counter and got out the plates and silverware so they can come get what they wanted. You look around and sigh.. This was as close as you were going to get to having what you always wanted a family to cook and take care..even if they weren't yours.. and never would be. You walked out into the living room finding Daryl and Rick talking relaxing on the couch and chair.

"Dinner ready you guys " you said They stood up when you spoke. "You don't have to tell me twice thanks " Daryl said giving you a wink before walking past you. You started for the door "Hey where are you going ?" Rick said you turned around to face him

" home " you replied He walked up to you ..again why did he have to stand so close he didn't realize what this did to you .." I though you were going to stay and eat with us after all you did make it " he replied .." I just didn't want to impose " you said softly

" Your not " he said "come on " he grab your hand and led you back to the kitchen ..the moment his hand touch your . you felt the electricity in his touch and it took all you will power not to react. He seem to be immune he just kept on walking .. He let you go as soon as you got to the kitchen. "sit down at the table

" I will get your food " he said " no you don't have to " you started to protest " you cooked so you can sit down " he said leading with hand to the small of your back over to the table.. you sat with a huff. You glanced at Daryl and Carl who were already eating they just grinned. Rick brought you and his plate to the table before sitting down beside you .

Though out Dinner Rick and Daryl told you about their day . Luckily everything had been all quite . You listen to them started discussing possibility another run in a week or so . When you noticed everyone was done you stood up to started collecting the dishes.. But Rick reached out put his hand on yours to stop you " nope you cook we can clean this up " he said

" how about I help " you suggested he grinned "Deal " he said . It didn't take long between everyone to clean up after it was done you turn to Rick " I should be heading home now thank you for inviting to stay for dinner " you said

"Well thank you for cooking it do you want me to walk you home " he asked " no I am ok it just a few house down " you replied He walked you outside. "Well thank you for Watching Judith again today "he said "it not problem she such a good girl I have a lot of fun " you said . You looked up and got caught in his gaze he was close again but this time you couldn't make yourself move you were frozen to the spot .

His expression was unreadable and that made you nervous . You finally broke away . "well goodnight " you said turning around walking down the stairs . " goodnight " you heard him call back you waived and kept walking. You had to admit that this evening was really nice but it didn't help you your feeling for Rick go away any faster. In fact it just made them more clearer.. you sigh you were in so much trouble.

You were just walking up the steps to Maggie and Glenn's house when you heard your name you stop and turned .. Peter was standing out in the street " goodnight " he said "uh ..night " you said he gave you a smile and continued to walked on .. you hurried inside and locked the door . Trying to shake the weird you just got .

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