Middle of the Night

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A few days went by and you started to relax . You kind of push peter to the back of your mind. You couldn't help it not when every day while you were working in the garden Rick had started coming out and bring you water. At first you thought it was just a one time thing because of that one day but then he did it again and again .

"Cant have you fainting on me again " he said grinning one day when you asked him about it .

      You stood up to him with your hands on your hips unfortunately you were at least a foot shorter than him so the tough girl look you had going wasn't that tough. " I didn't faint " you replied wrinkling your nose at him.

He just laughed and gave you one of those dang sexy winks before he walked off leaving you wondering if he was actually flirting with you .

     You wanted to entertian the idea but then again in you were wrong then it would just leave you feeling foolish.

  You thought about that all day long and still couldn't decided . Finally just giving up you went to bed only to be woken up a few hours later by something coming crashing though your window.

     You scrambled out of bed reaching for your gun that you kept in your table beside your bed. imagines of walkers filled your mind.

   You didn't realize you had screamed until Glenn and Maggie came running in with gun in their hands.

"What going on?" Glenn said looking around you pointed to the window when you noticed the broken window .
      Everyone lowered their weapons. While Glenn walked over to check it out Maggie came over and wrap a arm around

"Are you ok ? she asked " you shaking pretty bad" you nodded " I think so. " you replied she help you sit down on the bed.
    " I am going to go get Rick " Glenn said he turned around "Why ?" you asked even though you were secretly relived . " because of this " he said and held up a brick "

Rick was over within 10 minutes and first thing he did was come over to you where you curled up on the couch in a blanket you were still shaking .

     "Are you ok ?" he asked you nodded not able to say anything without breaking down. For a minute he search your face as he was trying to make sure you were telling the truth.

" just sit here I will be right back " he said. standing up and going over to talk with Glenn . Daryl who had also come in sat down next to you .

    "You don't have to hold it in you know " he said softly .. you looked over at him " your with family and you can let it go if you need to " he said.

With those words broke the damn and the tears came flooding out ." All I could see was walkers getting in " you said between tears. you buried your face in your hands and sobbed.

    You don't know why this was shaking you up so badly . You didn't even realize that Daryl had gotten up and Rick had sat down instead until he pulled you into his arms.

"it ok your safe and that all that matters " he said softly in your ear. you took the comfort he provided ." I am sorry I shouldn't get this upset " you said trying to pull away .

    But his grip on your tighten. " if it upset you that nothing to be ashamed of " he said his gaze connected with yours . he reached out and brush some hair out of your face ..you heart rate started to race hard in your chest.

" I want you to come back with me to my house " he said.." I am fine really " you said " it would make me feel better " he said .

    Your heart squeeze painfully in your chest." alright thank you " you said . "let me go change and grab some clothes " you said "Alright " he said letting you go.

     You stood up and because you suddenly remember you were just in a t-shirt and bed shorts you picked up the blanket and wrap it around you .

   But you couldn't help but noticed how Rick eyes' ran over your body before you cover it up . you turned your head away before he could see the blush on your cheeks.

    You walked back up to your bedroom and hurried and changed into some sweat pants and grab some clean clothes .

You walked downstairs Rick was talking with Glenn and Maggie . He met your gaze when you came down . " just asked around tomrrower and see what you can find out "he was saying you walked up "

     " maybe this was just a joke " a bad one but a joke " you said. " I Don't want to take a chance " Rick said "Come on " he grab your hand and lead you out of the house.

" I don't think this is really necessary I mean whoever did this probably just board and was looking for some fun. " you said as you guy walked back towards his house.
   You couldn't help but noticed he hadn't let go of your hand yet. "Even if that the case we can't have this keep happening " he said and you nodded. "where dose Peter live ?" he asked

You looked at him " You think Peter ?" you asked he shrugged "we have to talk to everyone "he said.. you sigh and point to the house on the other street.

    "The one on the end of the street " you replied. by that time you had reached his house. you guys walked in . " there a spare room between mine and Carl 's room .. you can have " he said you nodded

   "Thank " you probably wouldn't be going back to sleep tonight but you wouldn't tell him that.

He step forward "if you need something just come get me " he said and you nodded " I will but i think I will be fine " you replied "Goodnight "

      His gaze met yours and for a minute you though he was going to kiss you but once again you imagination was getting ahead of you .

    "goodnight " he replied.. you forced yourself up the stairs and found your room . you left the door open a crack

    You turned on the oil lamp beside the bed and crawled into the middle of the bed sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed. You sigh you were afraid to close your eyes.
     You didn't want to believe this was directed towards you . You didn't recall do anything to anyone to make someone not like you .

   You were a nice person weren't you " you buried you face in your hands and tried not to cry

There was a knock on the door before it swung open. Rick peeked in "Are you ok ?" he asked You looked up " I guess " you replied "why aren't you in bed ?" you asked he walked in and came over to the bed
   " Was on my way when I saw the light on " Can't sleep?" he asked " I am afraid to " I was just sitting here thinking what did I do to someone that they wouldn't like me .. enough to do this " you said chocking on your words.

He crawled onto the bed with you and gather you in his arms. You wrap your arms around him and buried your face in his chest ." you didn't do anything " he said ."your safe no one is going to hurt you I wont let them. " he said softly .

    You shifted and lifted your head so you could look at him. " I believe you " you said softly .. You watch as his gaze seem to darken and dropped down to your lips. Your heart seem to skip a beat .

You weren't imagining things now not with the way his hands were settling on your hips . he leaned forward and his lips touch softly at first like he was waiting to see how you were going to react .. your hands fisted in his shirt pulling him closer.

    That when he deepen the kiss .Everything else that was currently going on was wipe clean from your mind at that point . He was all he could you see feel need, want, But finally pulled away

"Do you think you can sleep now ?" he asked . Was he kidding he probably made it even worse ..but you wouldn't say that. you just nodded you started to pull away but he pull you back .

   "if you want I can stay with you until you fall asleep " he offered and you couldn't help but the smile that pop up on your face

   " I wouldn't mind " you said and he grinned. before he leaned over to turn off the light before rolling over and pulling you into his arms.

     You closed your eyes and smiled as you felt him kiss the back of your neck. and surprisingly it didn't take you long to fall asleep..

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