Chapter 10: Backstory Time

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"So where are you from, Schuyler?" I changed the subject.

"Albany," she said, "But I moved here when me and my sisters were accepted to the National Academy."

"Who are your sisters?"

"Angelica, she's a senior, and Peggy, she's just a little bitty sophomore," she explained, smiling fondly at the thought of them, "we all share a dorm together."

"How'd you manage that?"

"Her daddy's the super intendent," Aaron notified me, and my mouth fell open, "They're rich."

"We are not rich," Eliza stressed, playfully hitting Burr in the chest with the back of her hand, then she turned to me.

"So where are you from, Alex?" She asked kindly.

I shrugged. "That's not important, is it?" I asked shyly, and she chuckled.

"We're supposed to be getting to know each other," she pressed on, "come on, give us a backstory."

"You don't want it, trust me."


I sighed, but gave in. "Okay, fine, but only because you asked. I'm from Nevis, an island in the Caribbean; when I was born I lived with my dad, my mom, and my old brother. We lived in this big house by the beach, me and my brother loved swimming in the ocean, but since there wasn't a lot of other kids there we always hung out with each other. When I was like, 6, my dad left; I'm not sure where and I'm not sure why. He took all our money with him. Then, my mother and I caught this crazy mutated flu, and she ended up not making it. I tried to work for myself for a few years, but I got by mostly on charity; thankfully a lot of people had known my parents well so they helped me out, giving me places to stay and food and stuff like that. A few years later there was this big hurricane, and I mean huge; ripped the whole town to shreds. I lost my brother when the floods came. Somehow some big-wig here in America got wind of all the work I had been doing and gave me more money, than I had ever seen in my life mind you, so that I could go here; so I guess it turned out all right."

I hadn't put much thought into my speech, I had recited it often enough, but I looked up awkwardly from my lap when there was no immediate response from my 'audience'.

Apparently it had moved Eliza, for as soon as she met my eyes she jumped to embrace me, perhaps under the impression that I needed comfort.

"Sorry," I managed out of my surprise, "That was probably really depressing, wasn't it."

"I'm so sorry," she ignored me and mumbled against my shoulder.

I felt a bit of wetness against my neck, and realized she was actually crying. She pulled back, and I took the initiative to brush the NaClH2O from her cheek.

(A/N/ That's salt water, so a tear, for you non science nerds lmao)

"That's one hell of a backstory," Aaron joked, and I chuckled.

Meanwhile, Eliza was blowing her nose. "That's so sad!" She cried, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Eliza, its fine," I assured her, setting a hand on her shoulder, "It was a poor island, stuff like that happened. I got over it, if I wouldn't've I would still be on that godforsaken rock, right?"

"How do you get over that?"

I haven't.

"I don't know."

I found it odd that I was consoling a girl I barely knew, after telling the story of my life on the first day of school; but by now I had learned to just roll with it.

"Well, I think we can consider the ice properly broken."

(A/N Well this was a short, dumb chapter, but a necessary evil nonetheless. Tysm for reading!

- Daryn 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸

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