Chapter 37: Thanks To Artemis

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(A/N: My new phone background ^^^)

Hercules' POV

I was with Artemis; I was showing her one of the malls in the city, she had always been blown away by the size of shopping centers in America. It was her last day here, and obviously I wanted to do something big.

Since I said I was with Artemis, I don't think I need to mention that Lafayette was with us too. Believe me, I had no qualms about spending time with him; I'm sure John and Alex made it clear how I feel.

I was actually hoping that this would be the year where I could come clean, confess how I actually felt. Before my baby sister, my biggest problem was John always being around Laf and I, even though I knew he didn't mean to be bothersome. Now, it was my own sister. Don't get me wrong, the fact that she had come from Ireland to see me for the first time since last year was fantastic, but Laf couldn't seem to ignore her.

She didn't care, of course, she was much to sweet to ask for space. The worst part, however, was that Lafayette only wanted to talk to her in French, perhaps to impress her; luckily my sister wasn't cruel, and always replied in English. It was probably for my sake.

We were grabbing food at the mall at the moment; we were in a booth, Artemis and Lafayette sitting on the opposite side of me. They had been talking in English, thank goodness, about Artemis and I's home back in Ireland.

I was enjoying my Chinese chicken from the food court, adding the their conversation once in a while, until the talking ceased. It was silent for a moment as the three of us ate our food, but then Lafayette began speaking to Artemis again; in French.

I sighed inwardly, and did what I had been doing when this happened. I pulled out my phone, and pretended to look busy. I could pick up bits and pieces of their conversation sometimes, using my basic knowledge of French, but this time I couldn't.

Laf was speaking quickly and quietly, but by the time he had finished a bit of a monologue Artemis was smiling broadly. She replied in the same manner as he had spoken, quickly and almost noiselessly. I pretended I wasn't listening in, even though in a way I wasn't because I couldn't understand a single phrase.

After a while I looked up from my phone and froze; they were both looking at me, Laf with a blank expression and Artemis still smiling. "You know," she began, getting up, "I think I'm going to get a refill. Maybe I'll even use the bathroom, who knows."

"Ne me quitte pas!" Laf hissed after her.

"Dis-lui, Laf," she muttered at him, and then shot me one last smile before leaving Laf and I alone, in silence except for the bustle of the food court around us.

Lafayette watched regrettably as Artemis went out of sight, and then looked back at me. The wheels in his head seemed to be turning.



We had said each other's names at the same time. "You can go first," He said to me.

"No, you," I told him, managing a smile.

He nodded. "There is something I want to tell you," he said.

"Me too."

Laf sighed, and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I don't think I'd ever seen him nervous before. 

"I, um..." he trailed off.

"You're in love with my sister," I finished in a monotone.

He looked up at me, his eyes wide, and shook his head. "Non non, that is not it at all."

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" I asked, and he began to wave his hands frantically.

"No!" He exclaimed, "She just..."

"Yeah?" I encouraged him.

"Don't laugh at me," he continued, "it's only that she... reminds me of my Adrienne. Back in France."

My mouth fell open a bit. "But I know she is not straight!" Laf began quickly, waving his hands, "Trust me, Hercules, I have no interest at all in your sister."

I looked at him dubiously. "Don't get me wrong!" He exclaimed suddenly, bringing his hand to his neck again nervously, "She is a very, very beautiful woman-"


"But that is not the point!" He continued, "You have no idea how much I have talked to her about you, Hercules."

"About me?"

He face palmed, as if suddenly aware he had given something aware. "Um, well," he mumbled, seemingly more nervous than before.

"You can tell me anything, Laf."

He nodded. "Yes, but I don't think I can say it," he began breathlessly, "So maybe I just, show you."

At that, he stood up and leant across the table; I couldn't find the resolve to move. He kissed me softly on the lips, and almost as soon as it happened, he retreated and fell back onto his seat. "Wow," I breathed, "That's what I was going to say."

Lafayette laughed. "I'm so happy you say this," he admitted, "Because... I really like you, Hercules."

My mouth fell open in shock, but soon after I couldn't help but smile. "And... Artemis helped you with this?" I asked.

Lafayette nodded profusely.
"She convinced me to tell you the truth!" He exclaimed, "And I am so happy she did, because I was so afraid of what you would say or do, and I was going to go to John or Eliza but I thought they would tell you and then I was back where I start-"

"Lafayette!" I interjected, stopping him, and I reached across the table to grab one of his hands; I was relieved when he received it, "You're babbling."

He reddened further, and I smiled fondly at him. "I suppose I owe Artemis a favor," I mumbled.

"Speak of ze devil," Laf said, looking behind me, and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I didn't miss anything, did I?" Artemis asked, sliding her hand off my shoulder and taking her seat across from me.

She crossed her legs, looking at the two of us expectantly. I scoffed, and took up another forkful of noodles from my plate. Laf was looking at me knowingly with a smile on his face, and I matched it. I glanced at Artemis with the same expression, and I reached across the table and held onto Laf's hand again. Artemis glanced at us both before smirking.

"Don't act so smug, Artemis," Laf and I said together.

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