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The bell rings and everyone rushes to get to their next class. I hurry and get my things. The hallways are already empty but this guy is at the lockers waiting for someone and I look around and realize he's waiting for me. I recognized him from my English class and I already have an idea of what he's going to say to me and it's probably about my speech on teenage society. Are you ok? Do you want to talk about it? Has anyone been bullying you?  Why are you by yourself?You're such an amazing person you probably have a lot of friends.

"Zoey?" He snaps me back into reality. "I really liked your speech and I totally agree with you." I don't even try to make eye contact with you. What's the point when you're not going to remember me anyway right? He dropped his backpack and I reached out to grab it but he panicked and picked it up quickly. I give him a weird look. That was weird and I thought I was the one that was supposed to be rude.

"Sorry, I'm just really protective of my backpack."

"Yeah." I mumble a thanks and slip past him. I turn around and he was still staring at me and I look in his deep hazel eyes and for once I didn't see pity or annoyance or arrogance I saw that he actually wanted to be friends with me... Maybe. I continued walking and I saw a girl with dark brown hair and green eyes wave at me and recognized who it was. She always said hi to me and had a semi conversation with me before I headed to study hall. Her name started with a p or an a or something. I always forgot but I didn't want to ask her again. I had already asked her six times. She always managed to make my day and remind me that there is still good people out there and I should give them a chance. I think about it everyday but I can't do it right now. Maybe someday in the future but now I'll stick to watching everyone else and keeping my mouth shut.

"Hi Zoey!"

"Hey how was math?"

"Brutal but I'll survive."

"How was english?"

"Let's just say yesterday was better. I had a presentation."

"Oh. I hate presentations!"

"I know right! We better start heading to class before we'll late."

"Good point. If you want you can head over to my house later and we can just hangout."

"It's ok that's very flattering but no thank you. Maybe next time." She always asked me that same question everyday and I always gave her the same answer. I felt so bad and I really wanted to be really close with her but I couldn't risked getting close to someone. Not again no way.

"Kay. Cool."

She looked at me for a while like she was trying to memorize my face like she admired it or maybe Ii was something else and just like that she left and I keep wondering If I making a mistake.


-I was sitting in study hall reading a book when I heard my name on the PA announcements. Zoey Campbell please report to the counselor office immediately. I rose from my desk and instantly everyone started staring and whispering. " I heard she is planning to kill herself so someone reported it. It makes sense anyway she's always alone. I think I saw her once eating her lunch in the bathroom stalls." I didn't even know that person and she already was making up rumors about me. That's how life is when there is a new topic about someone everyone makes rumors listen to gossip and don't even have the decency to say it to your face. To make my day even worse I can't get hazel eyes out of my head.

I walk into my counselor's office and was shocked to see my mom already there. "Is everything thing ok what's going on?" Mrs Carter looked at me and said we have been informed that you may have a possibility of wanting to harm yourself and I have to go with the procedure and- "I'm sorry but I haven't done anything to hurt myself and someone probably did this was a joke." "Actually Mrs. Johnson informed me because of your speech yesterday." I suddenly felt sick. I should've known. "So me and you mom thought it was best if we signed you up for therapy every Friday and group therapy Mondays and Wednesdays at Saltwater psychiatry ward." My mom looked at me. Her eyes were red. She had been crying. I really wanted to argue but after seeing my mom like that I rather just do it. "Ok"

I didn't want to go back in class and face everyone's stares so I asked if I could go home knowing that for once my mom wouldn't argue. It was a quiet car ride home. I couldn't look my mom in the eyes when she believes what my teacher and counselor are saying about me. Even if I wanted to talk to her I would have no idea want to say or how to answer the burning questions she was pondering in her head. As I got in the house I threw my backpack in the living room and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. A small kid with blonde hair skidding past me chasing our dog. I rolled my eyes hoping she saw me. Chloe. He was probably running away from one of her other makeovers she was going to give him. It's better him than me. I always wished I was five again just like Chloe and I didn't care about anything or anyone. I noticed the calendar and realized today is Tuesday so I would start group therapy tomorrow. Great I will be in a room full of crazy kids who tried to kill themselves. Ugh I did it again! Me and my own stereotypes. I still hope I can get a sick day tomorrow.

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