Is it possible that things can just get worse?

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I was back to my group therapy where Mr. Tucker would ask us meaningless questions and expect us to answer. I mean like don't you think our parents already ask us those same damn questions everyday?! And even if they don't we know they're thinking it. What the hell went wrong. After yesterday I don't feel like talking to anyone. I was mad, cranky, and no where near to figuring out what had happened to the day Christina Taylor was murder.

I sat in the car end of the circle trying to be far away from everyone in the room.

"Zoey would you like to start the group off today?"

"No I would like to be left alone please."

"You seem to be having an off day. Please tell the group how you feel."

"How I feel? It's not like anyone here actually cares."

"Zoey this is a group exercise and I'm pretty sure that everyone does care about how you feel this is why you are here."

I was so close to smacking him. "Could you please respect my wishes and just move on to the next person."

"Ok then Julia would you like to start us off."

When the group session was over I bolted out the door but was interrupted by Cam's arm that was blocking my way from the exit.

"Cam I really need to get going. I have school and I would like not to be late."

"Zoey are you ok?"


"You didn't seem ok."

I threw my hands up in the air. "Why is everyone getting so annoying?!"

"Zoey you haven't been talking to me for weeks. Every time you come you ignore me and go talk it up with your new bff Savannah. Yes I'm glad that you guys are talking but I'm not too happy that you left me out."

My face softened. I had totally forgotten about Cam because all of this Christina, Chayton, and Cedric business.

"I'm so sorry. I have been so busy and I just." I stopped myself. I can't tell Cam what I have been doing. He was way too important to me for me to put him in danger like that.

"Were you going to say something?"

"No it's fine. I talk to you later?"

"Yeah." Cam was really disappointed but I couldn't tell him anything until this entire fiasco was over.


There was so much traffic going to school and I wondered why. There was probably an accident. During the ride my mom was just talking nonstop about how Hazel was coming over for dinner. She actually got me excited for it too. When we pulled up there was a police car and the police were inside with the drug sniffing dogs. They're so cute and I always want to pet them.

"Is it another drug test check up?"

"Yeah we usually have it once every month."

"We'll be careful pumpkin."

"Ok I will. Bye mom."


I got out of the car and walked into school and there was a crowd of students watching someone. Probably some stupid idiot that forgot about the checkups and didn't put his stash somewhere. I would want to say that Huntington High is a good school but it really isn't. Curious I decided to see who was the one getting arrested. It was always someone you didn't expect like that quiet girl in class or ones part of the drama club. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw who it was.

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