Goddamn it- Thomas Jefferson x reader

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I got the prompt for this off a list I saw somewhere and it was: "You fainted straight into my arms. If you wanted my attention so badly you didn't have to go to such extremes." I really liked it so here you go. Enjoy!
"Jesus Christ, Emily!" You gasped as she tightened the corset another inch. "I can't breathe!"
She sighed, tying the corset where it was. "You'll be fine."
"I'm going to faint tonight and it will be your fault." You took your (f/c) satin dress from her hands and slid it on.
"You're over reacting, ma'am. I'm certain you can breathe just fine." She said, handing you your matching heels.
"Heels too? Oh I am definitely going to faint."
Emily gave you a patient smile, obviously not caring about what you were saying.

You stumbled around the crowded room, the mix of swarms of people and your tight corset adding to your lack of air. You blindly bumped into someone's chest and looked up to see the one and only Thomas Jefferson. The person who was hosting the party.
And then you fainted.

When you came too, you could still hear the noise of the party but it was faint. You opened your eyes to see Jefferson looking forward, softly singing something in French as his hand ran through your hair. You looked around to see you were on a bed, your head in Jefferson's lap. It must be Jefferson's room because it was huge. It was a king sized bed with a magenta canopy on top. There was a large vanity on the side of the room.
Your eyes shot back to Jefferson when he stopped singing and exclaimed, "Ah, you're finally awake!"
"What happened? You muttered groggily.
"You fainted right into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes." He smiled widely as you blushed. "What's your name?"
"(Y/n) Hamilton." You said, sitting up.
"Hamilton?" He wrinkled his nose, "I'm not the biggest fan of your brother."
You sighed, "That makes two of us. Always working. He's also way too outspoken. It's going to get him killed one day."
Thomas laughed, showing off his dazzling white teeth. "Well, as much as I love sitting here and complaining about your brother, we should probably get you home."
"Yeah I guess. I told Emily this damn corset is too tight but did she listen? Nope." You groaned, annoyed at your handmaid.
He got up from the bed and you followed, grabbing onto him as you stumbled in your heels. You groaned and sat back on the bed before taking off your shoes.
"You wouldn't happen to have any boots, would you?" You asked whilst massaging your sore feet.
He raised an eyebrow at your masculine choice before shrugging and grabbing a new pair from his closet. "They were too small for me so they should fit you."
"Thanks." You took the shoes from him and slid them on, instantly feeling more comfortable.
You laced them up before standing again and walking with Thomas to a backdoor on the other side of the house from the party.
"My house is just a few blocks from here, we can just walk." You said.
"Then walk we shall." He held out his arm for you to take, "M'lady"
"Good sir." You mocked him as you linked your arm with his.
You two talked nonstop as you walked to your door which he opened for you. You called for Emily who you saw walking by with an armful of laundry.
"My lady! What are you doing back? And with," her gaze drifted over to Jefferson, "him?"
"Well, funnily enough, my corset was laced too tight and I fainted right into the arms of Mr. Jefferson here." Your voice dripped venom as you glared at the maid.
"Ah so this is who I have to thank!" You looked on in confusion as Thomas kissed Emily's hand. "Without you, I would never have met your this beautiful lady."
A blush coated your maids cheeks as she quickly pulled her hand away and continued down the hall to the laundry room.
"Did you really have to thank her? I'd rather I didn't pass out at every ball I go to." You asked, irritated.
He simply laughed off your comment. You could hear twelve strokes of the grandfather clock from down the hall and Thomas sighed, the smile running from his face.
"I suppose I ought to be going now." He turned to face you, "I trust I'll be seeing you again?"
"Count on it." You smiled.
With that, he placed a quick kiss on your lips and left without another word.
You spotted Emily peeking around the corner.
"Don't think you're off the hook yet."

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