United We Fall- King George III x Reader

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Reader gender: female
Warnings: swearing, theft, illness, violence, depression, medieval theft punishments
A/n: this was so much fun to write! I may have gotten carried away a bit
Word count: 3335
You made your way through the marketplace, your hood closely covering your face as you searched for something- anything- that could be good to eat. You tore down a wanted poster with your face on it as you walked passed the post that held it. Spotting a pharmacy, you walked in and headed up to the desk.
"Flu medicine?" You asked quietly, making sure to keep your head bent.
"High demand lately." He said. "That gentleman there just got the last of our stock." You looked to where he was pointing to see a well dressed man walk out of the store.
"Thank you." You nodded and left the store, closely trailing the man.
He eventually found his way down a back alley where you brought down the butt of your knife to his temple. He instantly crumpled to the ground. You stashed your weapon and got down on your knees next to him. Rooting through his pockets, you recovered the medicine and a fair amount of money. You stored your findings in your jacket and quickly left.
You kept your head down as to not attract attention which caused you to bump into a firm chest. Panic set in when you saw the familiar uniform of a royal guard.
"Apologies, sir." You muttered and attempted to maneuver around him.
"Not so fast, Miss l/n." He caught your arm before you could get away.
"The thief? Oh no, you have the wrong person." You lied.
"I don't think I do." He growled, pulling out your hand to reveal several missing fingers. "The king had been dying to see you."
You grabbed your knife with your free hand and swung it at his face, leaving a large gash. He dropped your hand and you sprinted away, hoping to get back home to your sister, Arya. Before you could get a hundred feet, you were met with a circle of guards. Horrified, you saw that one of them held a sword to your sister's throat.
"You let her go." You growled, your grip tightening on your knife. "She's innocent!"
"Yes, but you're not." The guard said.
You sighed. "Listen, she's sick. Let me give her this medicine and I'll go with you, no complaint." You held out the vial of medicine.
The one with the sword nodded to another who came forward and took the vial from you.
"Wait!" You fished out the money you had stolen, "This to? Please?" He grudgingly too the money and handed both to your sister.
"Y/n..." she said shakily.
"It'll be okay, Arya." You promised as guards grabbed your arms, knocking the knife out of your hand. "You take that stuff, you go home and you ration. You can survive, I know you can. Just until I get back. I will come back for you, I swear."
"That's enough, thief." A guard growled as they dragged you away.
You could hear Arya's cries as they dragged her back to your small cottage. You fought back tears as you continued walking, upholding your promise.
They forced you into the castle and shoved you on your knees in front of the last person you wanted to see: King George III
Though, to you, it was "just George".
"Y/n, Y/n." He tsked. "We've been looking for you for quite a while now. I'm surprised you didn't flee the country entirely."
"No one would take me." You growled.
"Right, I almost forgot, I rule most of the world." He smirked.
"I'm sure they didn't want to piss you off by taking in your runaway betrothed." You spat the word like it was poison on your tongue.
You'd rather have poison than him as a husband any day, though.
"No America? I would think you would love it there, with both of you hating me."
"I couldn't risk taking Arya on one of those filthy ships of yours."
"Arya!" It pained you to hear her name on his lips. "How is she?"
"Like you care." You glared.
"Well, I don't. But, I kind of have to, seeing as, I love you and you love her." He shrugged.
"Funny. I would've thought you were too OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND TO LOVW ANYBODY." You yelled.
You refrained from flinching as a guard raised his hand in warning.
"That's quite enough, James. You can leave." George ordered.
"My liege-" the guard protested.
"Out!" He yelled.
The guards quickly filed out of the room, leaving just you and George.
"Now, now, Y/n," he sounded almost... sad? "You don't mean that."
"I'd have to get Stockholm syndrome to fall in love with you." You hissed.
"I've left your room the same. And Arya's. Oh, it'll be so great to have you back." He clapped his hands like an excited child.
"I hate you."
"Why? I'm lovely."
Your eyes flicked around the room, focusing on anything but him.
"Let's get you out of those rags and I'll have someone go fetch your sister. Guards!" The soldiers made their way back in and stood at attention behind you. "Take her to her room, find her something nice and tell the cook to start preparing dinner. Fetch Arya and do the same with her."
The man from earlier- James- grabbed you by the arm and lead you up the stairs to your old room. George had never forced you to sleep in the same room as him which you were thankful for. You were unceremoniously shoved into the room and the door clicked shut behind you.
You ran a hand across the f/c silk bed sheets where dust had collected in your absence. You threw open the doors of the large dresser and looked over the large variety of dresses, hoops and corsets. You sighed at the choice of garments, you had never been one for dresses. You closed the doors and flipped down on your bed, choosing to stay in your pants, tunic and cloak.
There was a light knock on your door, signaling the only thing you were looking forward to.
"Come in." You called.
The door opened to reveal your handmaiden and best friend, Sophia. You quickly got up and hugged her tightly.
"I would say it's good to have you back but..." she sighed.
You laughed humorlessly. "Yeah. It's only slightly better than living on the streets." You showed her your hand which was missing three fingers.
"How did that even happen? Wouldn't they have taken you back here if they caught you?"
"It was earlier, when they didn't know I had left and I wasn't as good at my job." You sighed, running your opposite thumb over the jagged skin.
"You got caught three times in the five hours we didn't know you had left?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Like I said." You muttered.
"Well, we got to get you in one of those monstrosities otherwise, King Asshat'll be pissed." She said, opening your closet.
"No..." you groaned, burying yourself in the silk bed sheets.
"C'mon." She pulled you up. "If you make my job easier, I'll make sure your guy clothes get washed and not thrown away." She threatened, peeling the clothes off you.
She lead you into the bathroom where a bath has already been drawn for you. It was still warm, it must have been drawn while you were talking to the king. You were lowered into it and you relished the warm water on your sore skin. The water quickly turned black as Sophia scrubbed the dirt off of you.
"Jesus, girl." She muttered, doing her best to clean you in the steadily dirtier water.
When she had done all she could do, she helped you out and dried you off, bringing you back out to your room.
You compiled in mute annoyance as she loosely laced your corset and tugged on a wicker hoop and a pair of tights. She tugged a f/c dress over your head and laced it up before sitting you down at the vanity and taking locks of your hair in her hands.
"My god..." she sighed, staring at all the knots.
You winced in pain as she tugged them out with a comb, not stopping until your hair was a smooth as your sheets. When she was done, she went to work trying to cover all the blemishes on your face and dust your eyelids with color. She finished by adding a bright red lipstick and turned you towards the mirror.
"I haven't seen myself look this beautiful in a long time." You sighed.
"Just doing my job." She smirked.
There was another knock on the door, this one firmer and more urgent.
"Come in." You called once again.
The door opened to reveal a young looking guard who just looked generally scared of everything.
"The king requests your presence at dinner, m'lady." He said shyly.
"I'll be down in a minute." You promised. You stopped him as he turned to leave. "Straighten up, boy. You'll get yourself killed if you go walking around like that. I should know."
He nodded and left the room.
"Guess you'd better get going then." Sophia said, patting your back.
You stood and navigated the once familiar halls to the dining hall. You ran to your sister and wrapped her in a hug when you saw her face at the table. She itched at the lace sleeve of her dress.
"Do we have to wear dresses?" She whispered, conscious of the judgemental ears surrounding you.
You laughed lightly. "I'll work something out." You promised.
"My love!" George called out, entering the room with a dramatic flare.
You groaned and took your seat next to the head of the table with Arya across from you. George took his seat at the head as they brought in the first course.
He talked your ear off throughout the first course, all the way to the entree. He talked about America's revolt and what he had planned. He talked non stop about how excited he was to have you back and how you would rule the world together. A faint smile tugged at your lips at his childlike joy.
Halfway through your dinner, Arya began coughing nonstop, her untreated sickness getting to her.
"Have none of you fools gotten this girl treated yet?" George bellowed, standing up quickly, knocking over his chair in the process. "Get a doctor in here, now!"
Several guards sprinted out of the room as you rushed to your sister's side, trying your best to get air into her. As her coughing fit died down, the king's private doctor rushed into the hall. You moved out of the way as he knelt down beside Arya.
"Come along, dear." He coaxed, lifting your sister up bridal style. "Let's get you back to my office."
"I'm fine, I'm fine." She protested weakly as he carried her out of the room.
"How long has she been like that?" George asked, the concern in his voice shocking you.
"About a month." You sighed, if your sister didn't get professional help soon, she would die. Well, maybe living with George has some perks. He also seemed much... kinder. It was a good look on him.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully, it's not too late." He said sincerely.
"She's tough. She'll be fine." You promised, though you weren't quite sure yourself.
"With a sister like you," he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your neck. You flinched, but didn't move away. "She'll be fine."
You sighed, leaning into his touch ever so slightly. "I hope so."

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