Girls Like Her- Eliza x Male! Reader

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This was my first time writing a male reader so I sincerely apologize if it sucks.
Warnings- mentions of sex
"Let's have another round to the new head of technology!" Your friend, Hercules, exclaimed as he gestured to the bartender for another round of shots.
You laughed along with your four friends as the best tender placed five more shots in front of you. Each of your four friends reached for one of the small whiskey filled glasses.
"Let's have another shot!" You all chorused at the same time as you downed the bitter liquid.
"Well done, mon ami." Lafayette slurred, drunkenly patting you on the shoulder.
"Yeah but you know what a new job means." You sighed, "I should probably stop drinking for the night."
"Ha! Like that's gonna happen!" John laughed.
"Yeah, come on, Y/N, take a break!" Alexander insisted, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"No, I really should go I think. I don't know why I let you guys drag me out here." You said, standing up and shrugging Alexander's arm off your shoulders.
"Do you want to know why we invited you out here?" Laf asked, grabbing your wrist before you could leave. "For people like her."
You followed his gaze to a beautiful woman with long dark hair which reached to the middle of her light blue dress. Her brown eyes were bright with happiness as she laughed along with two other girls. The corners of her eyes crinkled with her wide smile and she occasionally took sips of a strawberry daiquiri.
"Oh." Was all you managed as you admired the woman.
John gave you a reassuring pat on the back. "Go get her, tiger."
You nervously walked over to the woman, checking back to see the encouraging smiles on your friends faces occasionally.
You carefully cleared your throats when you approached the table where she and the other girls sat.
"Yes?" The one in the pink dress asked cautiously.
"Hey, um, my name is Y/N L/N. I noticed your friend from across the room and I was hoping I might be able to talk to her?" You stuttered nervously.
The group noticed your shyness and relaxed a little bit.
"Angelica Schuyler." She said, holding out her hand. "Theses are my sisters Peggy and Eliza."
She pointed to the one in the yellow dress when she said Peggy and pointed to the woman in the blue dress, whom you had been admiring, when she said Eliza.
"C'mon, Peggy," Angelica said as she stood up, "let's give these two some privacy."
Angelica and Peggy moved to sit next to your friends at the bar, leaving you with Eliza. You took the seat where Angelica had been sitting and struck up a conversation.

After what seemed like hours of talking, you looked out the window and saw that the sun had gone down and odds were, the bar would be closing soon.
"Hey, my apartment isn't too far from here if you wanted to continue this or- well, you know." You shyly offered the option while digging your hands into the pockets of your coat.
She smirked and grabbed your hand, leading you out of the bar and into the cold New York night.
"Lead the way." She said, hand still linked with yours.
It wouldn't take a genius to figure out what happened next.

You woke up the next morning, sore and with a bad headache. Memories of last night flooded your head and you looked over to the other side of the bed, expecting to see Eliza. In her place, you saw a small note with a phone number on it. Under the number was a small note:
It was night to meet you Y/N but I have to go. Yes, I stole your shirt and sweatpants (I couldn't find my dress). I guess you'll just have to come take it back. -Eliza Schuyler
You groaned as you sat up and looked around the room. The only clothes you found were your boxers and out of the corner of your eye you spotted the blue dress thrown behind a picture frame on your dresser.
"She obviously didn't look too hard." You thought aloud.
You grabbed your phone and put Eliza's number into your contacts.
You did have to get your clothes back after all...

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