Jealousy Pt. 4- Lafayette x Reader {Bonus Chapter}

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Reader gender- female
Warnings- arranged marriage, disowning
A/n- This is a bonus part with the first chapter rewritten in Laf's pov.

1780 a winter's ball...
I leaned against the railing of the second story balcony, talking with John and Hercules. Alex had gone off somewhere to bother the Schuyler sisters, leaving us three.
"So, Laf, getting any girls tonight?" Here laughed.
"This does not sound like our original conversation topic." I commented with a raised eyebrow.
"Well... no. But, I think you've been single for far too long." He replied.
"Mon ami," I sighed, "I appreciate the concern but, I will find a girl in due time."
"At least just look down there. If you honestly tell us that no one catches your eye, then we'll leave you be. Deal?" John asked.
"Oui, oui, fine." I sighed and looked over the railing, glancing over all the girls there.
I was close to giving up when I noticed a girl leaning against the wall, lost in apparent thought. I leaned farther over the railing, trying to get a better look at her face.
"Beautiful." I muttered.
Her e/c eyes were slightly downcast, watching her black heel gently scrape the floor. Her f/c dress stopped just below her knees and the sleeves came down to her elbows. Her makeup was light and perfectly complimented her features: her beautiful eyes, her smooth s/t skin, her soft, full lips. Her h/c fell softly around her shoulders.
"Who?" John asked, him and Hercules coming up behind me.
"Her," I gestured to her, "f/c dress, h/c hair. My god, she's breathtaking."
"Oh, I know her." Herc said nonchalantly.
"Really? What's her name?" I asked.
He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it with a smirk.
"Her name, Herc, what is her name?" I clung on to my friends arm for emphasis as I begged him to tell me the name of the beautiful girl who stood against the wall.
"Okay, okay! Her name's (y/n) (l/n). She's senator (l/n)'s daughter." Hercules revealed, throwing his hands in the air in surrender.
"(Y/n)," I hummed, "what a beautiful woman."
"Yes, Laf, we get it. She's beautiful, you mentioned that." John groaned.
"Oh like you would understand, Laurens. You've only got it out for guys." I retorted, rolling my eyes.
"Shut up!" A light blush covered his cheeks.
I turned back to (y/n) to see her hand in hand with a scrawny man. Neither of their mouths were moving as they awkwardly walked to the dance floor. I saw her say something that I couldn't hear which he quickly shot down with a head shake. She then shut her mouth and averted her eyes to the floor.
Anger flooded through me at the scene. "Who is that holding her hand? That should be me!" I growled.
"Easy, Laf! That's her fiancé. Charles Lee." Hercules laughed.
"No no no! That can't be! There is no love in that relationship! I will dance with her, let her escape from her 'fiancé'." I pushed my way past the crowd of people, ignoring the shouts of my friends behind me.
I approached Lee's back, tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention.
"May I?" I asked, gesturing to (y/n).
"Oh, yeah sure." He said, stepping away from her.
She cocked her eyebrow as I took one of her hands in my own and placed the other on her waist while she rested hers on my shoulder.
"So are you going to tell me your name or am I just going to dance with a stranger?" She asked.
"Désolé désolé. I am Gibert du Montier, Marquis de Lafayette. Everyone just calls me Lafayette." I smiled.
"(Y/n) (l/n)." She introduced herself.
"Yes, I've heard." I noticed her raise her eyebrow "Did that sound stalkerish? Merde, I'm sorry. I am really messing up, aren't I?"
I blushed as she laughed, "Don't worry about it, Laf. I'm surprised I'm not messing up myself. Oh. Song's over." She said with evident disappointment when the music cut off.
"Oh." I sighed, bringing my arms awkwardly to my sides.
I glared at Charles as he pulled her away.
"C'mon, Laf, you don't want to get into the middle of that." Hercules said, pulling me away.
"Oh, yeah, right." I sighed.
"And why the hell do you care?!" Y/N yelled. I turned to see her yelling at Charles. "I'm never going to love you Charles! So just back off!"
She turned and stormed out of the ballroom as Charles angrily walked over to an older man, Y/N's father, maybe?
I watched as they argued until the older man exited through the doors Y/N had just gone through.
"Was that her father?" I asked.
"Mmhm." John hummed.
"Oh non, he's going to kill her." I muttered.
He came back out a few moments later, wiping his eyes clear of tears.
"No no no..." I muttered, pushing through the crowd to the door.
"Laf, think about this!" Hercules shouted behind me.
"I have!" I yelled back.
I opened the doors and looked around, frantically searching for Y/N.
"Lafayette." She softly croaked from next to the door.
"Y/N, ma chéri, are you alright?" I asked, crouching down in front of her and wiping the tears from her face.
"No. I'm really not, Laf. My dad... he just disowned me. For embarrassing him! Can you imagine disowning your own child just because they embarrassed you?" She asked, her voice breaking.
"What a horrible thing to do..." I paused for a moment, thinking.
She'll have nowhere to go. Not to mention, she's beautiful and funny and brave. I can't just leave her to die on her own.
"Come love with me!" I offered, "I and to America with a lot of money! I have a big house! Please?"
I followed her gaze down to her ring which held an engagement ring. She quickly tore it off and flung it across the room. She flung herself onto me, nearly knocking me over. I quickly wrapped my arms around her as I felt her tears deep into my shirt.
"Yes! Yes, I'd love to!" She exclaimed.
We broke away momentarily, only for her to close her eyes and press her lips to mine.
This girl's been through so much. I hope I can make this all worth it.

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