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"Do you really mean it?" Jason asked Eleni.
"Of course I do. I do not want to waste a single second more not being your wife."

They married that night, in the presence of the gods and their family and the dread Jason had been feeling for so long vanished. They made love for the first time and he swore to himself that he would start giving worship to Aphrodite more often as she had gifted him this amazing woman.

They spent a wonderful two days together, until Jason had to leave with half the other men in the village to fight a war he had no care for. But still he had signed that oath, all those years ago. Back when he thought that Helen was the fairest woman he'd ever lain eyes on.

That was all before he met Eleni. And he had longed for no other since that day. But he'd signed that damned oath, and so off to Troy he went, comforted only slightly, that if he should lose his life, he'd die a happy man, for he had the promise of forever from the only person who mattered to him.

The gods had been good to him.

Jason Pagounis Thinks Zeus is a SlutWhere stories live. Discover now