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It had been three days since the men had taken a couple of days rest in Larissa, and they were making great progress on their trek, with surprisingly no interruptions from any monsters, gods, or just pesky people (there were lots of interruptions in the form of Milos' near constant toilet breaks, but let's not embarrass him by mentioning his minute bladder).

It was in Larissa they had fully started to devise their plan, and think about what the beautiful woman (who they came to realise was Hera) had said.

"If the all powerful Hera can't get Zeus to keep it in his pants, what chance do we have?" Milos had whined whilst downing a beer. Jason had pointed out that they had an advantage over Hera in that they did not love Zeus. Despite many a millennia of arguing and infidelity she had not stopped loving her husband, but these three men had lost any good will for the King of Gods the second he defiled their wives.

They knew that as weak mortals they could not challenge Zeus to a fight. That didn't mean that they couldn't kill him.

They were hoping to avoid this though. They weren't murderers, even by proxy, and they knew it would likely upset the balance of the entirety of their beautiful Greece if they were to just remove Zeus from the equation.

Threatening him however may work. Jason understood that the gods' powers came from the worship by him, and all the other believers. The plan was to threaten Zeus that if he lay his fingers on one more man's wife, then they would devote the rest of their lives to destroying every temple in Zeus' honour, they would besmirch his name, and slowly, all across Greece the respect and fear in Zeus would decrease.

Little by little Zeus would lose his power.

They were well aware that Zeus may decide to obliterate them in response to the blackmail, but they were ready to point out that they would not be the only men in all of Greece to feel this way, heck there were probably men who had already started to burn his temples and destroy his statues without marching on Olympus first. Killing them wouldn't stop Zeus' inevitable fall, it would maybe just delay it by a couple of years.

But then what's a couple of years to a god?

(To a god a couple of years still feels like a couple of years. Time may be relative, but not that much so.)

Jason Pagounis Thinks Zeus is a SlutWhere stories live. Discover now