Chapter 16

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Sage's P.O.V.

I sighed and relaxed. Maybe I should just let him talk. Stress isn't good for me. I get all panicky, and I hyperventilate, because I'm scared. "Fine. Talk."

Jack turned to face Jack J, as if to say, get yo ass outta this room right now.

Jack looked between the two of us, and then made an 'O' with his mouth and pointed at the door, getting up to leave.

Jack almost laughed at his best friend, and then turned to face me. "Sage, I'm sorry." he said.

I rolled my eyes and snorted. "Yeah, and money is just going to fall out of the sky."

Jack seemed so desperate right now, he started pulling at his hair. You know that he wants you to understand something if he does that. I remember from when we were actually best friends. But then again, he seems to be a completely different person. That might have changed too.

"Sage, I'm not joking. Losing you as my best friend has hurt me so much. I beat myself up every day for two years after that day. I miss you so much, it's not even funny. Please..."

I looked at him, and tears started to prick my eyes. "Jack, you're not the only one hurting," I said, trying to force my tears away. It hurt that he said he missed me as a best friend, but I guess that's better than him not missing me at all. "You really hurt me that day too."

Jack sighed and sat down. "I know, and I regret it. I was trying to get through something, and I didn't know how to deal with it."

I sighed again and sat down beside him. "One," I said, raising my finger in the air. "That shouldn't give you any excuse to treat me like that. And two," I continued. "You could have just talked to me. I was your best friend, you can talk to me about anything." wow. We're finally having a civil conversation.

Jack stood up and walked in circles around the guest room. "That's the thing Sage, I couldn't tell you!" he exclaimed.

"Why?" I yelled.

"Because I was scared Sage. I was scared to tell anyone, and I was keeping it to myself. I didn't want to tell anyone." Jack said quietly.

I felt so confused. "You can tell me now! Is that not why you came? I hate seeing you like this! Please, I can see it's still hurting you, and I still want to help you..."

Jack looked at me and sighed. "I would tell you, but I'm still not ready yet," he said sadly. "But I know how to deal with it now, and I feel like I can be a better best friend again." he gave me a small smile that made my heart melt.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "Sage, please," Jack's voice finally cracked. "I need you..."

I saw tears in his brown eyes, and right then and there, I snapped. "I forgive you Jack..." I whispered, letting tears fall fast.

Jack immediately smiled again. "Thank you so much," he said. He opened his arms for me. "Best friends again?"

I smiled and my tears became happy tears. I nodded. "Best friends." I croaked, and ran into his arms, wrapping my arms around his torso.

Jack wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, rocking me from side to side. We stood there for what seemed like hours, until we heard a knock at the door, seconds before it opened.

"Sage, are you-" my mom cut herself off, and we both looked to her, not letting each other go. "I'm sorry," she said with a smirk on her face. "Dinner is ready whenever you want it." she closed the door and left us alone.

Jack and I looked at each other and smiled. "Dinner?" I laughed.

Jack laughed too. "Lets go!" he shouted, racing out the door, with me on his heels.


I loved that!

Next chapter will either be up in two to three hours. Or tomorrow. Idk.

Keep shining!

xx Sarah

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