Chapter Nine

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 Chapter Nine

Karena was awoken the next morning by the front doorbell. She shot upright, expecting bad news and grabbed her mobile phone. It took her a moment to realise where the noise had come from.

She'd had a second bottle of wine last night, since the first did nothing to help her sleep, so she stumbled to the front door, bleary eyed. It was Gary and she breathed a sigh of relief, anticipating the police, or worse.

“You look like hell.” he said.

She stood back and let Gary in, then went through to the kitchen to make some coffee.

“Bad dreams?” Gary asked, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

“Hangover,” she corrected. “What can I do for you?”

“I came to let you know how things went, last night.”

She had been so caught up in her own illegal act, that she had barely given a second thought to the other attacks she had been instrumental in planing.

“Go on,” she prompted, since she didn't know what to ask. How were these kind of things were usually handled?

“Total success,” he said. “Everyone got away, free and clear.”

“And the police?” The kettle boiled so she made two mugs and sat opposite Gary, handing him one.

"They came and questioned me about what happened to John. I said I'd got into a fight with Pete, who's agreed to back me up, and that I called John to come and help me.”

“Do they suspect anything?”

“They asked if anyone had it in for John 'cos it looked like he was run off the road. I told 'em that I assume all rich men have enemies, but John hadn't said anything specific to me.”

"They didn't ask about... the drugs?"

"Course they did," he shrugged. "I told 'em that as far as I know, he's been straight since he got out."

"Did they believe you?"

"Hard to say; I mean, the police are paid to be cynical, aren't they?"

“And what about the other attacks? Any fallout from them?”

“No one's heard anything yet. I don't think Mahone's people will talk, they're too frightened.”

“And...” She hesitated and wrapped her hands around her mug, as though to warm them.

“Mahone?” he guessed.

She nodded.

“I've been watching the news, but it doesn't look like anyone's found him. The longer it takes them, the better.”

"What about his bodyguards?"

"I would guess they scarpered when they woke up; probably afraid they'd be blamed."

She nodded and checked her watch. It was still hours until the hospital visiting times.

“I can't believe John doesn't know any of this,” she said. “I should have gone to see him last night, when we were finished.”

“I went to see him,” Gary assured her. “I knew you needed some time, so I went and told him what we'd been up to.”

“Is he... Is he angry?”

“Angry?” Gary laughed. “He's ticked pink!”

Karena looked up, surprised by that answer.

“He's proud of you.”

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