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jacobsartorius; ready for our date bby?

callierose; yeah :)

jacobsartorius; i'll pick you up in 30 minutes x

callierose; okayyyy x

callierose; i literally fucking hate you :(

jacobsartorius; you didn't actually i would fall for someone like you did you???

callierose; no but i would have thought you were decent enough no to humiliate me infront of the entire school!!!!!!

jacobsartorius; so what i've a few people seen your ass ??

callierose; that is so fucking embarrassing

jacobsartorius; lol

callierose; i can't believe i gave up one of the most important things in my life to try to prove to people you were a nice guy :(

jacobsartorius; you mean joey lol. he wouldn't want you either your fat and ugly let's not foget that everyone in the school will have pictures of your ass by monday

callierose; i fucking hate you

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now