Chapter 5

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Rachel browses the library, impressed with their selection of books. She'd fully intended to find something on survival, maybe something to do with plants. But instead she'd found a copy of Wuthering Heights, and had been reading it for the last twenty minutes. She likes the library. It's quite and empty, a good place to think.

The library door creaks open. Rachel hears no such thing, her mind being a million miles away.

"You like that one?" A voice startles her.

Rachel closes her book, looking up at the governor. "Yes, it's my favourite," she smiles nervously.

"It was always a favourite of mine. I never did understand why women liked Heath so much, until i got older that is," he smiles. "For some reason, women love assholes."

"I think it's more to do with the fact that you saw how he became the way he was, and his undying love for Kathy," Rachel disagrees.

"I wouldn't be so sure, every asshole i ever knew had a beautiful woman hanging off his arm," he says.

Rachel gets up from her seat. "Well you're probably right then. I should get going, i've got stuff to do."

The governor places his hand on the bookshelf, blocking her path with his arm. "How about you join me for dinner?"

Rachel glances at him. "I can't, i've got lots to do."

"Well that's alright. I'm the guy in charge here," he smiles. "I'm sure i can allow you the day off. If you're having dinner with me that is."

"I.. i don't want the day off. I like to keep busy," she smiles nervously.

The governor moves closer to her. "You sure about that?" He asks, his breath hot against her face. His eyes look her over greedily.

The door to the library swings open and Rachel breathes a sigh of relief.

The governor balls his hand into a fist, clenching his jaw.

"Hey," Merle says, looking from the governor to Rachel. "You're wanted at the gate," he says to him, his eyes flitting between the two of them.

"What now?" The governor asks in frustration, taking his hand off the bookshelf.

Merle shrugs. "No idea, it was Martinez."

The governor grunts before turning back to Rachel. "Let me know if you change your mind," he smiles, before leaving. But his smile, as she's noticed before, doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"You alright?" Merle asks, his eyes unsure.

"I.. i'm fine," Rachel stutters.

"Don't look fine. In fact, i'd say you look scared. He do something?" Merle asks sincerely.

Rachel lets out a deep breath. "It's nothing. I guess i'm just a little jumpy since.. you know. Those guys in the woods."

Merle walks over to her slowly. "Ain't jumpy round me. Can't fool me, shortie," he places a hand against her shoulder. "Jesus Christ! You're shaking," he frowns. "Come on, sit down."

Rachel sits down and Merle sits beside her, resting his amputated arm on the table.

"Don't go feeding me a line of bullshit, cos i'll know," he says.

"He didn't do anything, he just asked me to dinner.. but," she hesitates.

"But what?" Merle raises an eyebrow.

"I just.. i got the feeling that he wouldn't take no for an answer lightly. But maybe that's in my head?" She says.

Merle sits back in his chair, exhaling deeply. "I can't say one way or the other, sugar. But if i were you, i'd steer clear of him."

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