Chapter 7

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"I've got it," Rachel says, readying her bow. She releases her arrow sending it straight through the biter's head.

"You're gettin real good at that," Merle smiles.

Rachel jumps down from the wall. "Open the gate, that was my last one." Merle opens the gate for her as she goes to collect her arrows. Out of the six arrows she has, five are buried deep in the skulls of the dead outside Woodbury. She heads back inside climbing back onto the wall. "Those women alright?"

Merle nods. "Yeah, they're fine. Blondie wasn't lookin so good when she got here, but she'll be alright."

"Did she say anything about Daryl?"

"Nothing that'll help me find him," Merle frowns.

"Did she not say where she saw him last? Surely you could try? You're like a bloodhound when it comes to tracking," she smiles.

"I could try, but it'd be like lookin for a needle in a damn haystack. I got people here that need me," he says.

"In other words, the governor won't let you," Rachel sneers.

"Hey, watch how loud you're talkin. I told you bout that before, careful what you're sayin, walls have ears," he warns her.

"Sorry. But i'm gathering from that response that i'm right."

"Don't nobody tell me what to do, specially when it comes to my kin. It's like i said, shortie. Ain't no proper lead. Blondie and her woman friend been out there all winter," Merle points out.

"You think they're going to stay?" She asks.

Merle shrugs his shoulders. "Be suicide if they leave, guess that's up to them."

"I like that girl with the dreads," Rachel smiles.

"Why? Cos she don't get on with the governor?" Merle laughs.

"Pretty much," she nods. "That and her sword is really cool."

Merle holds up his knife hand. "What? Cooler than this?"

"Nothing's cooler than that," she smiles. "How's that guy you brought in?"

"He don't look too good. He told us where his people are so we're gonna go out soon, see if they're still there."

"Can i come?" Rachel asks.

Merle's eyes widen briefly then he shakes his head. "No, shortie, you're needed here."

She tuts, rolling her eyes. "You chat shit, i know exactly what it is."

"What's that, shortie?"

"It's because i'm a woman, the governor never has women with him when he goes out," she says.

Merle laughs. "Maybe you're right, either way yain't comin."

Rachel sits on the steps outside her apartment building sharpening her knife. She hears footsteps and looks up. "Hi," she waves at the newcomer. "I'm sorry, i don't know your name."

"Michonne," she nods, a cautious look on her face.

Rachel stands up tucking her knife into her belt. She holds out a hand. "I'm Rachel." Michonne takes her hand shaking it briefly. "Heard you were out there all winter. You must be tough."

"I get by," she says.

"You think you'll be staying?" Rachel asks. Michonne looks at her a little uncomfortably. Rachel nods. "I don't like him either," she lowers her voice. "He.. He makes me feel uncomfortable and.. i just don't trust him. He smiles too much."

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