Chapter 11

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"Coffee," Rachel says.

Michonne stares at her with a frown. "We have coffee."

"I mean good coffee," Rachel smiles.

"Alright," Michonne says. "Spa days."

"Ooh, that's a good one. I could do with a spa day," Rachel laughs.

"Tell me about it. Well i'll be sure to look out for some good coffee when i go back out."

"You going out tomorrow?" Rachel asks.


Rachel raises an eyebrow. "Tonight? But you only just got back."

"I know. And if i hadn't found those supplies, i wouldn't have come back so soon, i just..,"

Rachel nods her head. "I hear you, i'd be out there with you if they'd let me."

"You settling in okay?" Michonne asks.

"Yeah, it's only been, what, two months? Feels like a lot longer."


Rachel and Michonne look down from the guard tower.

"What's up, Daryl?" Rachel shouts.

"I'm goin out, ya wanna come?"

"Yeah, i'll be down in a sec," Rachel says, resting the rifle against the railing. "Well if you're not here when i get back, i'll seeya. Just be careful out there."

"Sure, same to you," Michonne nods.

Rachel makes her way down the tower. "Where we going?" Rachel asks.

"Gonna take the truck, see what we can find," Daryl says.

"Can i drive?" Rachel asks, heading towards the driver's seat.

"No, ya can read the map."

Rachel throws her head back dramatically. "I hate reading the map, i'm crap at it."

"Which is why you're doin it, ya gotta learn," he smiles, getting in the passenger seat.


"Did we take a wrong turn?" Daryl frowns.

Rachel shrugs. "Don't think so."

"What d'ya mean ya don't think so? Where the hell are we?"

Rachel stares at him. "Read my lips, Daryl. I, don't, know."

Daryl steps on the breaks, grabbing the map from her. "I told ya ta pay attention."

"And i told you i was crap at reading maps, so looks like we both weren't listening," she reasons. "You know we are though, right?"

Daryl looks at her. "Course i do, ain't gotten lost since i was kid."

"So where are we then?"

Daryl looks down at the map, trailing his finger across it. He looks out at the road with a frown, turning at the sound of her lighter clicking. "Gimme one a those."

"Ask me nicely and i will," she frowns. He stares at her holding out his hand. Rachel huffs and passes him a cigarette.

Daryl lights it up, looking back down at the map. "Yeah, i'm good now, i know where we are. We'll keep headin this way," he hands her the map. "Just make sure ya follow that, okay?" He says, pointing at what looks to her like a squiggly line amongst a whole bunch of other squiggly lines.

Rachel rubs at her temples. "Daryl, i don't know what i'm doing."

"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it, got better with handlin guns haven't ya?"

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