Chapter 25

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Dana P.O.V

~A Few Days~

So me and Zion officially moved in with Khy and it's been super fun! I'm surprised Zion and Khy been getting along so well. They do everything together now, it's ridiculous. Khy been teaching him how to drive and taking him just about everywhere.

I spoke to my mom on the phone and let's just say it's didn't go so great. I was being respectful and as nice as possible because that's my mom but she took it too far. She cursed me out and even had the nerve to drag Gabriella into it. She said that I'm lucky she took her away because I would've been a bad mom and that she regretted having me. I cried for hours, I am so done with her at this point I give up!

I don't understand why she hated us so much. She ruined her own life when she decided to have sex and get pregnant at 14. Just because she ruined her life and didn't want to take responsibility for any of doesn't me I'll be like her. Yea I got pregnant at a young age to but I would never treat my child as bad as she does us. Fuck her! I'm cutting all ties with her, I'm at the point where she completely broke me.

"Babe are you ok? What's on your mind?"Khy asked walking into the living room with Zion following right behind him.

"Nothing I'm ok, where did you try two go?"

"We went to this-"

"We went to play some football, that's all." Khyber quickly said covering Zion's mouth.

I would ask what that was all about but I couldn't care any less right now. "Babe I don't feel good can we order out tonight."

"You ok? What's wrong?" He asked scooting closer on the couch.

"Yea I just have a bad headache."

"I'll go get you something for it and I'll bring you back your chicken and shrimp Alfredo from Augustino's." I smiled and gave him a big hug.

"Go upstairs and lay down, me, Zion, and Moni got this." He laughed standing up to pick up a sleeping Emoni. Without saying a word he walked out of the living room with Moni wrapped in his arms and Zion quickly trailed behind. I heard the front door slam shut and I got up to go upstairs.

When I got to our room I stripped out of my clothes and did exactly as told. My body against our silk golden sheets felt so good. It only took minutes for me to fall asleep.


I was in a deep sleep, probably the best sleep I've gotten since the last time me and Khy fucked until I heard no other than Khy himself whispering and shit. I felt the bed sink in next to me and the presence of someone hovering over me. "Ma, you still got a headache?" He asked tapping my arm. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see him smiling over top of me.

"Actually yea I do." I sighed and sat up pushing him back a little.

"Well here take this." He grabbed the waterbottle and an advil off the nightstand and placed it in my hand. I quickly took the pill and he took the waterbottle back.

"Come on your foods downstairs." He grabbed my hand and dragged me to my feet. He pulled me all the way downstairs and to the dining room where I saw Zion feeding Moni in her chair. "Ok you can take over now, cause Zion likes to feed himself too." Zion laughed and handed Khy her spoon. I sat down at the table and immediately started eating my chicken and shrimp Alfredo. We all ate peacefully until Khy's phone started to ring. He looked up at me and continued eating and feeding Moni.

"You gonna get that?" I asked kinda surprised he didn't answer. "Oh nah, that's not me." He looked over at Zion and He was so into his food we both started busting out laughing. "Huh? Wait what happened?" He asked finally looking up from his plate.

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