The leaveing

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Sherlock looked on at John cautiously. John started in aw at the slim boy who almost got his intire life right. "So... you aparently know my life.Like to tell me any of yours?" Spoke John aquardly.

"Uhmmmmmmm?"Sherlock humed shuffling around on his bed. He wasn't very confrtable with talking to a football player. Sherlock has always been beaten up by the jocks so he layers on his bed deducing John, things like his passion for being a Doctor, and what his father did to him. He slowly moved his long legs over the side of the bed and faced John. 

John had ingnored Sherlock's statehood not unpacking and shifted the last of his thing into the dware. He sat himself on the bed and looked at Sherlock. Sherlock had blue, green,and even grey eyes that John started to lose himself in. He looks at Sherlock's sharpe cheek bones then noticed the nasty bruise around his eye. "What happened there, it doesn't look great." John nod to the bruise. 

"Oh... that's nothing don't worry about it!" Sherlock hissed while moving in his bed to get back to his book. As he did this his chest hurt from the movement. His breathing was unsteady which John picked up on.

"Are you ok?" John spoke as he hoped over to Sherlock's bed. His doctor instincts where kicking in so he did really redisher that he hoped over.

"Oi!..what the hell get off of me!"Sherlock yelled,  As he moved away from Johns cold hand. John jumped back a little from his own shock from what he just did.

"S..Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you but you need that cut cleaned up." John awnser as he lead in again. Sherlock stood up and took a couple of steps away from John. Sherlock felt very uneasy and lead up against the closing wall. 

"Don't touch me!" Sherlock snapped as he stumbled to the bathroom in shock of the situation. John sat in confusion on Sherlock's bed. He got up and stepped outside. He had started to blush from imbaresment. 

" Oh this poor sod who gets to bunk with the freck!" Shouted a girl  walking towards John. John looked at the girl who was standing next to a guy slightly taller than John. 

"Hay aren't you the new football player?" Aske the guy when the were about a foot away from John.

"Yes, and may I ask who you are?" John question looking at the pair. A strong aroma filled the area around these two. 

"I'm Anderson and this is Sally." He awnsered in a cold voice. John looked at the pair suspiciously. "I'm also on the team, goalie, and as she said your bunking with the freck right?" He Spoke sturnly. 

"I don't know who you mean by 'freck' but I gess I'll see you on the field." Responded John sternly as he turns to leave. 

"Anderson asked you a question. And by freck we mean Sherlock, which he is one." She snapped standing in front of John blocking his path crossing her arms. 

"OK, what's your deal! I just got here no less than 30 minutes ago and I have been ingnored, pushes around, and have my life story told by an absolute stranger. Now some tell me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS SCHOOL!!" He yelled outing his hands on his head pulling his hair. Sally and Anderson looked at one another and started to lafe at a frustrated John. John gave them a scowl and push his way past.

"Hay boy. Watch your back and don't trust Sherlock Holmes!" Sally yelled at John as he started down the hallway. 

Sherlock Listen to the heated argument out side his dorm. John wasn't the tipicoul football player which made Sherlock wonder about him. He had already deduces that he wanted to care for people, which would make sense why he would become a doctor. He still felt uneasy, and in his presence a wired feeling rose in his stomach. 

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