My Savior

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And that's basically how I got to this point.

Walking. I've been walking for what seems like days. The hot sun beams down on me for a final time, but in a couple hours it should be gone.

I walk through the woods with my backpack on. I take my final sip of water that I have left and keep moving. I hear the familiar groans and stop in my track. One appears from between the trees which I kill with ease. I've gotten much better at it. It's blood spatters all over me but I'm too weak to give a damn. But then suddenly there's more.


How did they get out this way so quick? I have a feeling wherever I am fell earlier on. I had heard about it happening in other countries months ago but I never thought it could come here. At the start of the month there were talk about it but it seemed controlled. Guess not.

I run as fast as my feet will take me. Thankfully these things can't really run. I keep going until I am convinced I have lost them and then I still continue on some more. I trip and fall into a little bit of a mud hole and feel as though I should give up. But I don't, I've come too far for this.

I find myself on a road surrounded by trees. It feels like I'm the only person left alive in the world. I kick rocks along the way and kill a few more of these creeps. It's dusk now and will be dark in less than an hour but I don't care, I know I'm going to die out here. I continue along the road when I see a light or two peering through the trees.

'It's your imagination, you're losing it Kendall.' I convince myself as I keep walking. I suddenly hear a sound behind me and see some lights coming down the road again. A vehicle? I turn to look, too weak to even try to get it to stop. So I just watch expecting them to pass, or if I'm lucky just kill me.

To my surprise they slam on their breaks and look at me.

"Jesus Christ" a voice says rolling down his window. The man reaches over to open the passenger door.
"Ho-ly Hell. If shit could shit it still wouldn't look as shitty as you... get in." He says as I am taken back. Do I keep walking or get into the car with him?

"I'm not gonna fucking hurt you. I've got a sanctuary. Safety, shelter, food." He explains but to me it all sounds too good to be true.

I go against my principles and get in the car shutting the door. I don't even bother to put my seatbelt on. He locks the door and a strike of uncertainty shoots through my body. I pull the lock back up on my side of the door as he smiles.

"You don't trust me?" He asks noticing I had unlocked my door. He smirks as I stay silent. He hands me a bottle of water which I accept and begin to drain it.

"Been out here a while huh? I almost didn't recognize you, thought you were already dead." He says eyes on the road.

"You got a name?" He asks. It takes me a second to process his question.

"Kendall. Could you tell me where I am?" I ask.

"I'm Negan. And you're in Virginia." He informs me as he continues to drive. I can't help but to notice the man. He's clean shaven, not a speck of dirt on him. My attention turns to a bat covered in barbed wire.

"Creative." I mutter.

"Oh her, that's Lucille. Ain't she a beauty?" The man asks as I furrow my brows. He named his weapon? Well I guess that isn't that odd. I mean people name their cars, right? Okay, it's still a bit odd. I stay quiet a lot of the way but my curiosity is eating away at me.

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Where stories live. Discover now