Setting Boundaries

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I walk back to my room shutting the door behind me. Of course Negan tried to convince me to stay over but I have to create some kind of boundaries. At least until we can define what we are because 'friends who like to have a good time' isn't cutting it for me. I change into some plaid pajama shorts and a white shirt.

I hear the sound of banging and slamming coming from down the hall. I try to ignore it but my curiosity gets the best of me. I open my door and walk down the hall to the source of the noise. Sure enough it's coming from Negan's room. I knock on the door and wait until he opens it.

"Everything alright? I heard some loud banging?" I ask trying to sound as concerned as possible even though he's probably just fucking one of his wives.

"Everything's good, Fine, fan-fucking-tastic. Peachy as hell." He says. "Just having trouble sleeping. Sorry if I woke you." He admits.

"No problem." I say as he shuts the door to probably go back to sleep. Before he can fully shut the door he stops midway.

"I'll uh. Leave you a list of stuff to do while I'm away on the table. Take tomorrow off... rest that ankle, I mean it. Do the rest the day after."

"Alright." I say as he shuts the door and I retreat to my room.

The next morning I spend most of the day in my room. I eat but not much. I just spend my time reading and writing. It's weird without being here. I'm almost tempted to go do the chores but I gave Negan my word. After the most boring day of my life I wake up the next morning, shower, get dressed, and go to Negan's room. I must say I'm a little sad I didn't get to go but I push the feelings aside. I enter his room and shit is literally everywhere. It looks like he was robbed. Chairs overturned, papers everywhere. I see the note and read it.

'Rough night last night. For starters you can clean this shit up. After, I need you to do my laundry, including the bed sheets, water the plants, do my morning routine downstairs for me, organize the shit in my office, clean my bathroom, scrub my floor, and vacuum. I want my shit clean as fuck. Spick and fucking span. That should be a day or two of work for you.


I start on his chores and split it up so I can manage it into two days but of course I get it all done in one. After I'm finished completing my work it's getting pretty late. I hear someone laughing in the hallway, a girls laugh and exit the room to investigate. I walk to where I think I'm hearing it and sure enough it's from my room, I must've forgotten to lock my door. I push the door in and see my room is absolutely trashed. Bed turned over, draws open, everything that was in it is tossed about, desk and chairs overturned. I shut my door and lock it totally frustrated. I didn't have a shit ton but what I did is destroyed. Clothes torn to shreds. It's a nightmare that I don't want to deal with right now.

"Wow.... you should really pick up after yourself." I hear someone say. I turn around and see Julie with some other girl who I'm assuming is another of Negan's wives. She's holding my personal book in her hand. I wouldn't call it a diary, just my general thoughts written down for when I can't sleep at night.

"Day 24: I was picked up off the side of the road last night by a man named Negan. He took me to a sanctuary. He asked me to be his wife, I declined.
Day 30: Negan asked me to be his personal assistant but I think he wants more.
Day 35: Nick died on a run today. I feel sorry for him, he really liked me. And I did too. But not in the same way. I'll miss him." She reads in a mocking manner

"Negan and I also ended up fucking the night before... I wish I knew what he wanted." She continues in an almost disappointed voice. "News flash. That's all Negan wanted from you. To get in your pants for some stupid fucking reason. If you think he wants anything more you're pathetic."

"News flash. You're a jealous, stuck up, fucking bitch." I scream tired of her shit.

"Oh you gonna cry?" Julie taunts.

"No. But you fucking are." I say as I reach and rip the necklace from her neck.

"You fucking bitch! Negan gave me that!" She cries

The other girl who is with her just watches unsure of what to do.

"Yeah, he just loves giving gifts to the poor, pathetic, prostitute. Do you like being used Julie? Do you like being a pathetic whore?" I egg her on as she slaps me, scratching me across the face and that's all I needed to start kicking her ass. I kick her in the stomach as she goes tumbling to the floor.

"Back the fuck off of me you disgusting dirty slut." I growl fed up with it all. I go to Negan's room and begin to unlock the door when I hear her get up and charge towards me. But before she can do anything I'm in the room and lock it behind me.

"Yeah that's right, you better fucking hide your ugly ass face." She screams pounding on the door. "Just wait til Negan gets home tomorrow morning. He's gonna put your ass to the streets."

"Yeah, we'll fucking see." I mutter as I go into Negan's room and grab another one of his white cotton shirts. He wasn't kidding when he said he had a shit ton of these. I look in the mirror and see she actually got me pretty good. But I'm sure I got her worse. A little bit of blood beads from the scratch as I try to rub it off. I just end up smearing it. I forget about it and grab a book off the shelf. I crawl onto Negan's couch and curl up reading it.

I must've dozed off because the next thing I know I'm hearing the door open. I immediately jolt awake.

"Shit sweetheart, I didn't mean to scare the hell out of you. Fuck you doing here? Not that I mind, you wanted to surprise me when I came home? Couldn't wait for me to come home so I could take you and-"

"I Uh... I'm sorry, I must've dozed off." I say embarrassed as I stand to my feet. "You're early." I add

"Yeah we got back sooner than expected. That my shirt?"

"Considering I have nothing left to wear, Yeah it is." I say bitterly.

"Something fucking happen while I was gone?" He asks turning the light on. He then looks at my face. "Shit, the fuck happened to you?" He asks

"Nothing." I say shying away but he's quicker than I am and grabs my face.

"Nothing my ass, someone scratch you? You've got dried blood on your face."

"It doesn't matter. You won't believe me, nor will you take my side."

"Shit... I'm a reasonable kind of guy. Try me, I'd love to fucking hear this."

"Why don't I just show you instead?" I mumble as he gives me an odd look. I lead him out to the hall and to my room unlocking it and switching on the light. Only the top floor gets lights in their rooms.

Negan walks through the rubble of what USED to be my room.

"Fucking hell happened in here?"

"Your 'wife' happened. While I was cleaning your room I forgot to lock mine and this is what she did. I mean look... all my clothes torn to pieces. All my shit smashed. Dressers, broken. Plus she stole my notebook."

"Well shit that was not cool of her. Not fucking cool. In fact, these dressers, this bed, that desk. That's my shit. In fact in the morning her spoiled pathetic ass is going to realize how not cool that shit is. I'm not putting up with any of that catty bullshit. That shit does not fucking fly here, not one fucking bit. Sorry about your stuff darlin' I'll uh, I'll make it up to you sometime. We will replace it all."

"I mean the hell am I going to wear?"

"I'm okay with nothing." Negan smirks and winks before seeing my facial expression. "Not the time?"

"Not the time." I confirm.

"Well sorry, being gone from you're beautiful ass for so long just makes me go a little bit crazy." He jokes.

"Where am I going to stay tonight? She destroyed the mattress."

"Guess there's only one place for you to stay. And I think I know a thing or two that may take your mind off this shit and put you in one hell of a better mood." He smirks hungrily.

So much for setting boundaries.

Caged Bird *prequel to Angel Wings and Unchained*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt