New Job

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The sun finally rises and I roll myself out of bed. Of course I barely got any sleep. I take a shower and throw on some jeans and a grey v neck. I really need to get some new clothes. I've been wearing the same three or four outfits. But thankfully now that I have this job, I'll be able to afford more.

I slip on my black combat boots and lace them up. I then go straight to Negan's room. I knock on the door a couple times. The door swings open and of course standing in front of me is one of his whores, Julie. The same girl who stopped me the other day. She gives me a nasty glare. I could have fun with this...

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asks rudely. "Who let you on this floor?"

"Uh. I live on this floor and if you don't mind, I have some very important work to get done..." I say smirking irritating her even more.

"Oh shit. I forgot." I hear Negan say from somewhere inside his room.

"Listen, you had your chance. But he's mine, got it? You only wish you were good enough to scream out his name."

"What? Oh, you didn't hear us last night? I'll make sure to scream louder for you tonight." I smile. God she is so irritating.

Just as she is about to say something Negan leans against the door frame. His hair is shuffled and he is wearing a cotton shirt and some boxers.

"Julie, have you met my new personal assistant, Kendall." He says as I give her a shit faced grin. I try my best to keep my eyes up.

"What?" She says clearly upset. "Negan, honey, you said only us wives and Simon lived on this floor."

"Change of fucking plans. Got to have my first hand girl close by, right?" He defends as I can't help but feel electricity shoot through my body. He called me his girl. Okay, chill Kendall, he's gross and sleeps with different women every night. You really want someone like that around to pollute your life? I ask myself trying to knock some sense into me.

"Now if you wouldn't mind..." Negan says trying to get Julie to leave.

"Negan... I just got here." she says and I'd be lying if that didn't give me relief knowing she didn't stay the entire night.

"And now you are just leaving..." Negan says as she rolls her eyes storming off.

"Remember what I said." She growls under her breath as Negan furrows his brows a little but shrugs it off.

"Quite the catch." I mock him.

"Yeah, well. You're early, and I can already tell are going to be a huge fucking cock block for my morning sessions." He says.

Morning sessions? I gag, this guy is unbelievable.

'Yeah, unbelievably sexy and insatiable.' My inner conscious says.

"Well come on in I guess. Excuse my mess." He says as I see shit tossed around.

"Was this from last nights session?" I ask bluntly.

"Sense of humor and a fucking mouth, I don't remember any of that shit from before." Negan notes. "First, you can radio down me breakfast. Then you can clean this room. Top to bottom. Spotless. After, you can bring my laundry down. They know how to wash it. After that, well... that should be enough to start you with." Negan says raising his eyebrows.

I know what he is doing, he's seeing how much of a workload I can handle. Jokes on him I love to work. Clean, organize, I live for that shit. Keeps me occupied.

"Alright." I say shrugging as if that is nothing. I mean is it what I really want to be doing? No. But I'd never tell him that. I want to get higher up, I want to prove myself to him. Why? I don't know. I know I really shouldn't try to impress anyone. I should just be myself. But I just want him to know I'm hard working.

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