Bonnie and Clyde

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After we get back from the abandoned mall Negan orders his men to put everything in my room for me. We walk up the stairwell and one of his men walk into the wives room with a box of all kinds of unnecessary stuff. Jewelry, handbags, I roll my eyes at their materialistic likings and open my door. The men put the bags and boxes on my floor. Then they put whatever Negan wanted in his room. Five minutes later I hear my door open.

"Join me for dinner?" Negan half asks and half orders

"If I didn't know you better I'd say it sounds like you're asking me on a date." I tease.

"Oh please, if that were the case we could just skip to the happy fucking ending." He teases moving in closer.

"You are insatiable." I tease back as he moves a strand of hair from my face.

"Guilty as charged." He mumbles moving in closer kissing my neck.

"But... dinner sounds good first." I smile backing away leaving him hungrily.

"Always such a fucking tease. You owe me for that."

"I'm sure the wait will be worth it." I seductively say.

"Sure as shit better be." He smiles before leaving.

I brush out my dark straight hair and leave it flowing, just the way Negan likes. Now, I'm not one for makeup, but if I wanna make Negan forget his wives I've got to be the most desirable women he's ever met. I'm not saying makeup and clothing is gonna fix that. And truth be told I don't know the first thing about applying makeup, but I know someone who does.

I walk my way down the hall and knock on the wives room. I've never actually stepped foot in here before. The door opens and a young blonde woman answers. She looks to be about twenty four or twenty five. Not much of a figure but has beautiful blue ocean eyes and lovely blonde wavy locks of hair. She has a sadness to her eyes.

"Is Sherry in?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah... just a second." She almost whispers walking away. I peek in and see a large room, along the walls are many doors, I assume bedrooms for each wife. I start to feel a bit sad myself. I mean, these are women he practically uses. Sure they agreed to it and I know for a fact Julie enjoys it, but it seems majority don't. Like for instance Sherry, he manipulated her. And also it makes me wonder if he is still seeing these women. I mean, I'm lucky not to have caught anything from him... he's slept with all of these women. But I still wonder what it's gonna take to make him get rid of his 'wives'. But on the other hand I'm not even sure I want him like that. I mean, I have strong feelings for him, that's obvious. But I feel like it couldn't work. These women are a symbol of his power. If he left them for me it'd make him seem weak.

"She'll be out in a minute or two." The young blonde woman says.

"Okay, thanks." I mumble back.

"So um... heard you and Negan are pretty close. You're the reason he doesn't come by much."

I shrug.

"thank you..." she whispers. At first I think it's sarcasm until I look into her eyes and see the genuine relief.

"Oh...uh..." I stutter unsure how to respond. Before I can say anything Sherry appears in the doorway.

"Kendall, hi. Didn't think you'd come by anytime soon due to someone's actions." She says referring to Julie.

"Uh... yeah I just was wondering if I could have your help with something. If you're not busy of course."

"Please, I'll scrub your floors at this point, I'm dying of boredom." She jokes exiting into the hall with me.

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